The [Rush] Alliance is looking for guilds. (Kurzick)
A little bit about Rush and the alliance.
The [Rush] Alliance is looking for guilds. (Kurzick)
I Hand Of Faith I
Elite Defenders of [Rush] is a guild whos main focus lays in PvE. We are a dedicated bunch of gamers from all over the world and from all different age groups and genders. Although a longtime member of the alliance [Rush] only recently stepped into the leader role taking over from [OEC] who was the former alliance leaders. The change occurred around Christmas 2010 and no big changes were made to alliance policies as a result of the change. With over 80 active members dayli Rush is a very active guild and that shows in our work with the alliance. Our main goal is to have fun in a cooperative and friendly environment and to have fun together!
The alliance has it's own website/forum and ventrilo server that every guild gets to utilize.
Current Situation
Due to the sudden disappearing of dent the alliance is currently holding Amatz Basin even with our faction being at it's lowest in long (currently holding at around 11 million). Our hopes it that once we've filled up the alliance again we'll be in a strong enough position to hold Amatz.
Our main requirements are quite simple.
Maintaining a minimum of 1 million faction. Friendly, mature & active. Keeping it friendly and mature in Alliance chat. i.e no swearing, spaming or other disruptive behavior is tolerated. English speaking.
ContactsIf you're interested you can contact me or the guild leader in game and we'll talk more.
IGN - In Game Name
Me - Sayn Shadowstep GL - Feja T
IGN - In Game Name
Me - Sayn Shadowstep GL - Feja T