PC on multiple gold weapons

Zenith Ixiniri

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Just started playing again, I remember before I stopped I was trying to sell these items, but I forgot what they are worth. Would appreciate any advice

- Fiery Dragon Sword of Warding

- Zealous Marble Hammer of Fortitude

- Ebon Crenellated Spear of Enchanting

- Blood Spore Sceptor of Memory

- Defensive Conjuring Staff




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


1. I would merch, you can't add vampiric to these so not any use for it

2. 30-40k

3. salvage the 20% enchant and merch the spear

4. merch the scepter

5. merch as well