Everything costs 1k unless another price is listed, if you buy everything you get it for 16k.
Someone bought everything for 16k. Thanks =)
Chungs focus
Ilsundrs focus
Prismatic focus
Rose focus
The mindsquall 5k
Focus of the hierophant
Koles gauntlet
Bogroot rod 2k
Fendis rod
Oolas wand
Mallyxs whim
The skybringer
Zoldarks staff (x2)
Bogroot staff
Illyanas staff
The maneater
Koles torment
Cobleris hammer
Havoks maul
Urgozs shorbow
Spear of the kinslayer 2k
PM in game (elnore varda) to buy something at once. Please post here first, though.
Selling greens
Menzes ambition - 1k
IGN Ishana Damari
IGN Ishana Damari
Aesir The Warrior
I'll take everything at 16k
IGN Aesir Of War (I'll be online in a few hours)
IGN Aesir Of War (I'll be online in a few hours)