Hi, I am trying to max out my hall/get GWAMM. I need to do NM dungeons/VQ and explore. If anyone wants to partner up, that would be awesome. I have been playing for almost 5 years now, and I know what I am doing. My heroes are all moded nicely and have great skills, so you aren't getting someone who is a noob or doesn't know how to play. I pull my share.
IGN: Celtic Nightmares.
LF NM Dungeons, Vq/explorer partner
Celtic Bane
Squishy ftw
You can pm me when I'm on: Heet Konijn.
Angel Killuminati
Shame your not from UK as time differences etc (I play mostly evening UK time), but you can add me to vanquish areas if you like.
IGN: Who Needs A Nuker
IGN: Who Needs A Nuker
Yellow D. Flash
IGN: Monk Youngg