Deadly paradox
Shadow Form
Shroud of Distress
Signet of Mystic Speed <--------the reason why
Sand Shards
Mystic Sandstorm
Standard perma gear Blessed with attunes
12 +1 +3 Shadow arts
9 scythe mastery
3 Crit Strikes
4 Wind prayers
8 Earth prayers
Use heroes to clear labs, i personally use an SoS hero, a Ua monk and a SS necro but its down to personal preference. Then run to plains, avoiding chargeds, and start killing ^^. Use meditation---> mystic sandstorm to reduce rupt rate to about 1 in 10
IF you Refresh signet before its used, it will NOT Refresh the amount of charges. This means if you use signet, cast SF, use signet, cast Shroud, IT will be used up.! Beware!
Closing comments : Happy we can farm plains again, and really hoping you can fine tweak and tune this guide to get some good speeds out of it!
EDIT : Swapped out reap +thorns for eremites + staggering. sandstorm vs reap is still undecided. Sandstorm does alot when it goes off, but cannot guarentee it.
Edit 2: Meditation mystic sandstorm now used. Optinonal slot being tested
Any questions/advice PM Last Sinny Survivor.