17/02/2011 Updated W/N raptor farm



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Hi guys. Due to the change in functionality of By Urals Hammer, killing the raptor boss during raptor farming has been made a little trickier.

This is the best I could come up with. Anyone have any suggestions?

EDIT: I've also tried Sneak Attack and Price of Failure (instead of PI and Finish Him) but does not work well


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005


I can't take credit, it was someone else in Rata Sum who gave me the idea.

Cast a 2nd MoP on second different raptor right at the end while Wary Stance is up. Wary Stance will protect you from being interrupted and MoP should be coming off cooldown just about the time you're ready for it. Two MoP going off will easily kill the boss even if you missed rounding up all of them.

Kaida the Heartless

Kaida the Heartless

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006


Whirling Attack doesn't get interupted?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2010



Got the same tip from an alliance mate and it works pretty good. I don't even have to agro all of them to get rekoff to die

myths of fury

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2009

Another thing. This is a riskier run, but if you aggro the cave counterclockwise (instead of clockwise) you end up at the begining of the cave at the end, you can then aggro the raptors just outside. Takes 4-5 more sec, but you kill 1 more group and maybe thatll be enough dmg to kill Rekoff. I know I used to do this sometimes when BuH was still useable, will need to check.

Also, I never used finish him, never had to to kill the boss. Maybe I'll look at that as well.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

In Memorium [iBot]


If you take a Rit hero with 16/15 and cast Splinter with the paragon's shouts, it lasts long enough and can typically let you kill Rekoff after Finish Him(once in a while you don't even need that) and Pain Inverter is almost always enough even if you balled horribly. Splinter being armor-ignoring physical damage helps since a lot since it triggers MoP. I use the OP's build except with Wary Stance instead of Dolyak, since the Paragon's "Stand Your Ground!" works fine.

Inferno Link

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2008


My whirling attack keeps on getting interrupted when i do this lol

X morzan the fearless X

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2007

order of factions


okay so, i've been using the tactic of putting up a second MoP during wary stance, and it works, and kills the boss.

but sometimes( actually quite a lot...) when i use ww attack (i'm 100% sure it's charged) it just doesn't do anything, the skill recharges, and i lose all adrenaline, and die (obviously), does anyone know what i'm doing wrong?

this is my routine: (get IMS up from para hero and flag him back) MoP a raptor, round em all up then i hit: dolyak signet, endure pain, 100b, protector's defense, shield stance, wary stace immediately followed by MoP on another raptor, then WW attack once i can.

ign: digital mystikz, should you need it for whatever reason



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2007



I've just been getting into raptor farming and must say I haven't had the problem of getting interrupted while using whirling attack..

The bar I use: OQQUc2IR16RWCpFqM9F5F6F7g4FA

Basically you'll want to use mark of pain while under Wary Stance, then activate Shield Stance and use your Whirling attack.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006


Originally Posted by Chocolate_Prayers View Post
I've just been getting into raptor farming and must say I haven't had the problem of getting interrupted while using whirling attack..

The bar I use: OQQUc2IR16RWCpFqM9F5F6F7g4FA

Basically you'll want to use mark of pain while under Wary Stance, then activate Shield Stance and use your Whirling attack. This is what I have been doing as well and it works most of the time. With the 75% chance of blocking the attacks, you just have to hope that in the time you use Whirlwind Attack one of the attacks that get through is not distrupting stab.

You can of course use shield stance to cast Mark of Pain and then use wary for Whirlwing Attack that way you can at least always kill some raptors. But in my experience if the broodmother doesn't die, you will die quite quickly (also I'm not sure how the energy for this is. It should be fine with the asura bonus on).


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


WW get rupted at about 6% probability. And you either kill all or kill none, so FH is now redundant and there is one extra slot. Mental block before 1st MoP could be a good choice to further lower the rate of being rupted down to 3%, but have to make sure you get some hit on the way to reapply it. It is troublesome tho, haha.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2008

This is what I've been using:
Tact 4+1, Str 7+1+1, Sword 10+3, Curses 12

94% of the time you should kill them all (per raptor, so slightly less?), 6% of the time you kill all but boss ([1-.75]^2). I'm thinking you might be able to bypass using a 2nd MoP or EBSoH, and simply use [finish him] on the boss afterwards? Might try that, should be 100% (with 1 extra slot, hmm...).

EDIT: This one seems to work, and you can still 2x MoP:
Tact 6+1+1 (or 6+1+2 , Sword 11+3, Curses 12

Paragon runner as usual with shout buffs. At entrance to cave, mark a raptor with 1, then tab to next raptor. Ball them all up, then 2,3 and 1 on next raptor. 4,5 as they get closer (3 wears out), then 6. If boss still alive, 7 him, move away, then 8 over and over. I tested with a single MoP and pulling only 32 of 33 raptors, and it took 4 necrosis (2 YMLaD) for the boss to drop...


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2008



Not sure if im the first one to come up with this idea, but why dont use "On your Knees!" to have 2x Wary Stance to be 100% immune to interrupts?

Thats the build i came up with:

Worked really good so far and unlike most other builds you got zero chance your MoP or WWA gets interrupted.

Usage is as following:
After aggroing all raptors use 1,2,3,4 and 5(secound MoP), than 6,7 and 4 again - wait for adrenalind - 8.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2008

There's always that problem where MoP is on a MOB that somehow doesn't affect boss (behind?). That happened to me all the time, over a year ago - boss alive, yet I marked first raptor with MoP, and balled @ boss well within 30 seconds...

I think my build is more bullet proof.


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2008



Id say maybe its more fool proof but sure not more bullet proof...
If you know how to pull them right (look at my screenshot) both MoPed raptors are adjencent to rekoff EVERY TIME - no luck involved.
While on the other hand ur build needs to get lucky to get the 2nd MoP through and if it doesnt u need another 20 secounds to kill rekoff? thats just not time effective at all.

If you are new to this farm and didnt quite figure out how to pull, use your build.
If you want a solid build that works every run, use mine.

A small tipp:
Dont TAB to another raptor just before you use the 2nd MoP but do it right after you hexed the first one.
Using both MoPs on the 2 raptors you aggroed first makes sure they are behind you in the ball, just like rekoff is after you pulled her along the wall on your right.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2008

Originally Posted by Huiboo View Post
If you are new to this farm Me, and a brilliant one (who knows his name? He came up with the paragon runner) developed the W/N MoP build, eons ago.

My latest build has 2 slots free (YMLaD/necrosis), and allows for the "latest BKM" 2 MoP casts. And the only problem, is that one of the MoP's doesn't affect the boss/somehow gets interrupted. Your build only guarantees MoP /WW gets cast - but what if the boss still lives? My build *GUARANTEES* the boss can be killed through multiple [necrosis] casts. Yours *DOESN'T*. I.E. bulletproof.

EDIT: when I run this, I *almost* never die, and *almost* never have to use the extra 2 slots (YMLaD/necrosis). But, I prefer to have them as an option, rather than death/rerun...

EDIT' - http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...ghlight=raptor


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2008



My paragon already hast stand your ground, so dolyak signet is only in there to make it extra save.
Theres no need to get curses as high as 12 - at 9 you can still kill rekoff with as little as 25 raptors.
I got tactic at 10 to have a 5sec wary stance - no real need for that but it just felt saver and i dont need the attribute points anywhere else so why not.

The vanguard standart sounds like a good option since i sometimes run into the same problem you have.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2008

Dolyaks is a totally wasted skill - I can run ranger/ele/assn/dervs with 100b, and they don't need it (x/W non-boss kill). It also makes it a real pain in the @$$ when you get that 1 run in 9 where the chest pops, and you have to gimp towards it. If you really want extra armor, I'd go with I Am Unstoppable - saves you 9 str and the gimp effect.

PS - why no incoming on your paragon runner? I guess you come close enough to the cave that it's not needed, but I like to zip the paragon into the nearest MOB to die... I've heard odd aggro stories about having multiple 33% speed boost shouts, but haven't noticed it in any runs ever.

PPS - so what's better to use on a shield - -2/stance, or +10/slashing?!? Prolly moot point, since if you're not above ~50-65% health after you WW, you're doing something seriously wrong. (16al tactics shield and +7al shelter sword mod)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011




@Huiboo: It's true that with a double mop the dmg dealt is so high that you dont need 12 curses, I'm not sure about that with the standart variant
If you have dolyak you dont need stand your ground because of the armor bonus capped at 25 or at the highest bonus that a single skill gives.
What I've noticed is that I can survive easily with stand your ground only (and if I have to move a bit to pick up loot I dont have to wait 10 seconds to reach it :P)

@Coney: Technically incoming is better than fall back because of its lower energy cost (but if the runner has a +15/20 energy staff (or an high asura rank) that wont be a problem).
If you have vocal was sogolon you dont need to bring both incoming and fall back, because if you reach the cave and have 2x 33% IMS on you, you will not be able to ball them up, they will lose aggro pretty fast. (that's not an odd story, it's true
What i usually do is: make paragon cast 1 2 3, run until fall back (or incoming, up to you ) is running out, then make him cast 4 5 6. With sogolon and enduring harmony you will have plenty of time to run safely without problems.
As a shield I prefer to use the -2 while in stance inscription.


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2008



I tested it and you are right, dolyak signet is not needed.
But i still think IAU can be a good option instead of Dolyak, since there is a bug that makes is so that the +AR from IAU do stack with the +AR from stand your ground so you gain a total of +48AR.

Sure, both are not nessesary but as i cant find any skill that would make the run faster id choose the one that makes it even saver and thats IAU.

Or you could combine mine and Coneys builds and put necroisis in the freed slot to make 100% sure you can kill the boss even you fail at balling them up.

Ghull Ka

Ghull Ka

Wilds Pathfinder

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Seattle, WA

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Thanks for all the work you do, this has been a great thread to read. I haven't done any raptor farming since the BUH change and am looking forward to getting back into it.

I was wondering about how you could compress/compact the build to an absolute minimum of hero micromanagement? Maybe keep it down to a maximum of 2 hero skills you have to manually activate?

My hands don't work as good as they used to, and heavy hero micro is hard for me to do.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011





Well I didn't know that there was such a bug, this makes things interesting.
I had no idea of what to put in the free slot, I tried with feel no pain but it's really not needed, probably IAU is the right choice.
The YMLAD + necrosis is another good option, but with a good balling it shouldn't be needed.

@Ghull Ka:

The hero skills that you absolutely need are Make haste! and cant touch this, and enduring harmony is highly recommended. (if you dont bring stand your ground, dolyak signet or iau will be a must)
without harmony you should get very close to the cave entrance before casting the others shouts and should kill everything in 20 seconds, and that's not easy if you are unlucky with the spawn.
What I suggest you is to assign hotkeys to the hero skills so that you can make him cast his skills with the keyboard easily.

myths of fury

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2009

Food for thought :
I basically only use FH instead of BuH, does the work for me (might need a high norn rank).

IAU > Dolyak when running stand your ground, because IAU bypasses the 25 AR limit from skills.

On my paragon hero, I run Shadow of haste + dash, so when I get to the cave I cast Make Haste, Cant Touch This, Stand Your Ground and Dash in 1 go, then I have some time to flag him whenever I want to. ( I also bind those 4 skills to 4 keys on my num pad, makes it faster).

Running a Necro instead of a warrior can make the dmg output better, but sacrifices some of the defense (tbh on my warrior I'm always at 90% + HP, doesnt matter much).

For the same reasons, I only run 5 tactics (break point to get 3 sec on wary stance)- only 8 AR lost-, 11 swords, 12 curses (rest in str).

I have never liked the idea of double casting MoP or using Honor, which is why I do those tweaks to get more dmg out of my initial spike. I have r3 Norn and almost always kill the boss. Some work on that title could help hehe


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2008



I have r5 Norn and tried it with same attributes you have and rekoff never died from Finisch him.
I even brought YmlaD but he still never died (i aggroed all 33 raptors).

Dont know if im doing something wrong or if your just lieing.