Derv Build


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2008

Make stuff die and kill it to death

Lita Is Totally Awesome[LITA]



Figured I would make a Derv hero build and I would like to share it - I found this combo to be very effective in terms of damage with an insane amount of party healing. I am open to suggestions.

2 Derv's

Avatar of Dwayna
Emerites Attack (aoe dmg + encahnt removal)
Pious Assault (aoe dmg + enchant removal)
Heart of FURY (IAS)
Zealous renewal (e management + enchant)
Dust cloak (aoe blind + enchant)
Staggering Force (aoe cracked armor + enchant)
Eremite's Zeal (e management + enchant) Optional?

Smite Monk

Unyielding Aura (for more party heal)
Divine healing (party heal)
Heaven's delight (party heal)
Blessed signet (e management)
Strength of honor (big damages)
Judge's Insight (big damages)
Draw Conditions (to remove blind and stuff) Optional?

I quickly did a HM hero's handbook with this build faster than I have before. I used both hench monk + blood necro (just for the blood ritual) + warrior.

The smite monk is still better than a 3rd derv if you are not a melee player according to the master of damage. The difference if you do test it will much bigger in HM as armor ignoring damage and armor pen/cracked armor and I am lacking a giant space chicken(the warrior hench) against the master of damage.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2010



Tried your build on Master of Damage. I hope the adjacent dummies count as Adjacent Foes.

Have to say this build appeared very energy challenging/draining to me.
Why that is, well, Heroes go luny with removing and re-applying Flash Enchantments.
Wich ends up being very energy draining still, even with the energy gain from the new Mysticism.

So, cant say i am happy with your Hero Derv build

But i like this topic, i am looking for good Derv Hero builds now.

I salvaged my old Derv Hero build, this is what i made of it atm:

No self enchant removal skills, as said above dont like it on Heroes atm.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2008

Make stuff die and kill it to death

Lita Is Totally Awesome[LITA]


Hi, thank you for your reply,

Try the build in a HM hero handbook situation. I have a different experience than from you.

Eremite's Zeal will most likely return 3 energy against the master of damage but 8 energy (on cast then on end - so total of 16) in most situations.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2010



Ok, took a bit more experimenting, got a new Derv Hero build with Wounding Strike that comes very close to what i used to have:


Good: still has Deep Wound, has Cracked Armour, and more damage (including AoE dmg!) then i had with my old build
Bad: less self heal cos new build does not have Faithfull Intervention

Very well, i may like this

Oh wait, Auro Slicer is questionable, depending if at time of use an enchantment is in use...have to look into that.
And perhaps swap Aura Slice for something else.

EDIT: Replacing Auro Slicer with Crippling Victory or Chilling Victory are good options.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2010



Scythe Mastery 12+1+2 or 12+1+1
Mysticism 9+1
Earth Prayers 9+1

Wounding Strike [E]
Victorious Sweep
Zealous Sweep
Radiant Scythe
Heart of Fury/Twin Moon Sweep
Chilling Victory/Crippling Victory/Aura Slicer *
Heart of Holy Flame/Staggering Force */Dust Cloak
Zealous Renewal

* Obviously, use either Aura Slicer or Staggering Force

I would have liked using both HoHF and Staggering Force, but in this build it is prolly to energy taxing for a Hero.

EDIT: Been further experimenting with a Dwayna and Balthazar build.
Also to use both with 2 Derv Heroes.
I also found Vital Boon can be replaced with Twin Moon Sweep.
I edited the above list to only include my Wounding Strike build ideas, below i will post my Dwayna/Balthazar builds.

Avatar of Dwayna [E] / Avatar of Balthazar [E] *
Pious Assault
Zealous Sweep
Radiant Scythe
Twin Moon Sweep
Dust Cloak / Staggering Force *
Heart of Holy Flame
Zealous Renewal

I chose Dust Cloak with Dwayna and Staggering Force with Balthazar.
Can be choses vice versa if one prefers ofcours.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2008

Make stuff die and kill it to death

Lita Is Totally Awesome[LITA]


A bit of an update:

The third hero I replaced with:

AoD (AoE healing)
Mystic Healing (Aoe healing)
Mystic Regeneration (Enchantment is good)
Whirling Charge (to help it get out of AoE and stuff - and prob the best skill to abuse)
Meditation (E-Management)
Emerites Zeal (E-Management)
Castigation Signet(E-Management)
Strength and honor (big damages)

Kinda like a modification of the old orders derv but for melee only.