1) Vabbian Defender (Req 9 Command)
"like a rolling stone"
+9 armour vs earth dmg
2) Plagueborn Shield (Req 9 Strength)
-3 physical damage (while hexed)
3) Guardian of the Hunt of Valor (Req 9 Tactics)
Health +59 (while hexed)
Inscription: "Swift as the Wind"
Reduces cripple duration 20%
4) Skeleton Shield of Valor (req 9 tactics)
health +59 (while hexed)
Inscription: "Through Thick and Thin"
Armour +9 (vs Piercing dmg)
CLOSED - Price check on a few shields
Mythical Arrow
Turk The Legendary
Merch 1 and 2 and 4
Vabbian Defender can fetch 10k easy (assuming there's an insc slot). Popular skin and not always easy to find.
Agree on the others.
Agree on the others.
Turk The Legendary
Agree with Jimbo - never hurts to let someone know the "if" of it.
agreed with jimbo
Mythical Arrow
thanks for replies everyone. vabbian has a insription but no mod " like a rolling stone +9
oh and one question... How do I close this thread so I can open a new one?
oh and one question... How do I close this thread so I can open a new one?