Seeking all 3 campaign NM/HM


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2009

Wanted to go back and do everything over again for HoM but I just dont have the time/patience atm. I started some stuff but a majority of it still needs to be done. Tried pming some of the guys in other services and they are often afk/doing other jobs so hopefully this thread will get more attention.

Currently Need:
100% of proph, run from LA-> Ascalon and all missions in NM and HM
factions from boreas seabed/altrumn ruins onward in NM and all missions in HM
100% of nightfall all missions in NM(besides consulate docks) and HM

FYI I havent pve'd in years and all of them are deleted, currently only have factions HM unlocked atm, so if you are HM only runners thats all thats available atm. Will update as other NM are finished.

If you are interested in doing pieces/all of these jobs contact me on forum or in game IGN: Critical Chop
Will pay in Ecto/Zkeys/Gold - pm in game if you are interested and want to discuss pricing.
