Time: 11:40am PST/7:40pm GMT
Place: Guru's GvG Commentary channel on justin.tv
Once again we will be providing commentary on the GvG Monthly Automated Tournament and it'd be great if you'd stop by and observe the play-offs with us! This is a great way to understand how GvG works, meet some top players, and ask questions. In addition, with the long-awaited dervish update finally out, commentators Asp of Rebel Rising [rawr] and Ensign of Idiot Savants [iQ] will be discussing the ramifications of the redesign of an entire class on PvP.
If you are unable to come or miss parts of this event, the entirety is being recorded for your convenience and a link will be provided once available.
IRC channel information:
You will need a program like xchat or mIRC to get into the channel, and both of those websites have setup guides. The channel info is as follows:In addition to Guru's IRC channel, stream chat will also be frequented by experienced players, so feel free to ask your questions there too.For those of you who would prefer to not install a client, you can use the available web client (just change the included channel to #gwgpickup).
- Server: irc.gamesurge.net
- Port: 6667
- Channel: #gwgpickup
For examples of previous months' commentary, recordings are available here.