All items are inscribe unless stated otherwise, please leave your ign with your purchase! If you aren't happy with a b/o price you can make an offer but you won't be garuenteed to get it
Spiked Egnogg
250 x 2 - 50k stack
77 spiked eggnog - sold
Keg of aged hunters (50) - 10k
Keg of aged hunters (25) - 5k
57 firewaters - 5k
68 eggnogs - 6k
Epic Cosumables!!!
250 x 2 - 50k stack 1 sold to aga, 2 left
Rainbow Candys
250 x 7 - 35k stack (pending jerec raven 1 stack and jara shadowdance 2 stacks)
Weapons! all are inscribe! all with b/o 5k
1. broadsword req 11 pending andy
2. plat staff req 11 soul reaping
3. wooden boar scepter req 13 soul reaping
4. Insectoid staff req 12 divine favour pending nothinisfree
5. arcane scepter req 9 fast casting
6. plat wand req 10 divine favour
7. plat staff req 10 e storage
8. Demonic aiges req 10 motivation
9. plat staff req 11 divine favour
10. Ghostly staff req 11 divine favour - sold to eric froob ty
Next have individual b/o's
A. Stygian reaver req 9 - b/o 15k
B. Eblazoned defender req 9 tactics - sold to eric froob ty
C. Mursaat hammer req 9 - sold to kyoshirou tyvm
D. Mursaat hammer req 10 -sold to elysea tyvm
E. Stormbow req 11 - b/o 7k
F. Jade sword req 11 non inscribe with oldschool mods +14% damage - 1 energy regen - b/o 10k
G. Eternal shield req 10 command - sold to i am the fear tyvm
H. Eternal shield req 12 tactics - sold to P0int tyvm
Many thanks in advance,
Ms Magic
IGN busty bouncer