PC on q12 celestial Shield and q13 vs demon shield [26/03/11]

da mahius

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2010

Rip of the Golden Pheonix [RoP]


I will re-use this thread every time I need a price check.

Here is a drop I got:

Celestial Shield
16 AR q12 Tactics
-2 Physical Damage (Stance)
+1 Healing Prayers (19%)
I heard recently on someones youtube video that celestial weapons were once worth a bit. I'm wondering if they still are. I'm currently using this on my W/Mo Koss and I think the +1 Healing Prayers is an interesting find. You don't expect Warriors to use healing a lot, although this could be used for self heals and other builds.

Bladed Shield (Purple)
16 AR q13 Tactics
+9 AR vs Demons
Demon fever? Before I merch this for 50 or so gp, could this be worth 500gp?
I know nobody likes q13 or 1 off perfect mods or unmoddable things but this is what PCs are for right?

Also how much are Mysterious/Merchantile Summoning Stones? I usually try to sell for 1k each.

Round Shield of Endurance
16 AR (q9 Tactics)
+35 Health (Stance)
-2 Physical Damage (Stance) [INHERENT]
Not Inscribable

Also I'm not really sure what makes a weapon desirable or expensive...
If anyone could tell me things that make weapons sell for lots and why those things are worth so much. This will help me become better at PCing and I'd post less useless golds on this thread.

I'll make a small list here of what I know already and stuff ppz have said on this thread:
+15/-1 [Inherent] - People use it with a Vampiric Mod to kill themselves quicker...?
+15% Dmg [Inherent and no negatives/conditions] - Rare and useful
10/10 Sundering - Not dropped anymore
-30Hp Grim Cesta - Not dropped anymore, also useful for suicide faster...?
Chaos Axe Skin - Looks cool
Low Requirement with Max Damage - Under 9 not dropped anymore also useful
The Obvious HoM Weps (Destroyer, Tormented, Oppressor) - HoM dedication for GW2 rewards
vs Demons - Used For DoA SC
Inherent +HP - Stack Fortitude on top for more health
Inherent +Energy - Just extra energy I guess

^- If any of the above 'guesses' are incorrect feel free to tell me.

Basically what I'm trying to ask is how does chest running make you rich?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2009


The Silent Few[TSF]


i would salvage the 30hp from the shield and sell for 4k, merch the rest imo


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2010


agreed with above (might salvage inscr too)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2010

Spaghetti Land

???We Are The 1 Percent ??? [?????????] ??? ??? ???


Merch all ..........

And yes you're right , but the bow is 14-28 therefor ...ppl will go ''OMGWTF 1 OFF KKNTYBAYBAY'' but since the the skin is ok i'd put it on a hero

da mahius

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2010

Rip of the Golden Pheonix [RoP]


Thank you for your opinions, If people would look up to the question which will help me better use and understand this part of the forums. Also I've put up inscribable golds.
I've just got a feeling they won't be worth much, maybe the staff could be worth something...
And before I forget:



Site Contributor

Join Date: Aug 2008


Gentlemens Club [GC]


Diamond Aegis is worth ~5k, Tempest ~2k or merch, Falchion merch
  • +10 vs demons shields are used in the Domain of Anguish, which is a popular speedclear these days. People are paying ridiculous sums at the moment for whatever reason - I imagine that the core skill for the SC (Destructive was Glaive) will be nerfed at some point, and the prices will drop dramatically.
  • Pruning mods and +10 vs plants shields are used for Urgoz's Warren, although they don't fetch *nearly* the cash that the vs demons stuff does.
  • Chest running isn't really something that will make you rich, and that's not why most people do it. For the most part, it's done for title points (Lucky/unlucky, Treasure Hunter, Wisdom) or by people looking for specific drops like Celestial weapons, Plagueborn weapons, and Echovald Shields in Cantha.

If you have anymore questions, the best place to post would be in Trader's Outpost.

da mahius

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2010

Rip of the Golden Pheonix [RoP]


New Items. Hope these aren't worthless. I know that the Dragon-Slaying Axe is Good. But how much exactly?

Bright Star Shine

Bright Star Shine

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2009


Club of a Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


Originally Posted by da mahius View Post
Gothic Defender
+16 AR (q10 Str)

It's uninscribable but has no Inherent mods, It's a good skin though and has space for upgrades.
No it hasn't. Uninscribable shields cannot be upgraded with a shield handle or inscription. Ever.

Basically what I'm trying to ask is how does chest running make you rich?
Basically: most people only keep the unid shields, and ID them in case they get something nice and sell the other unids for ~700g/ea. In HM you get a lot of elite tomes that go for 2-12k depending on which one.

If you get lucky you can get drops that yield anywhere from 20-100e+



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2007

so cal


i agree with most here, especially bright's summary of reasons for c/r'ing...but before you merch the longsword, pity for the 19v50, keep the dragonslaying pommel as somebody will have a use for it, plus it's cool!

da mahius

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2010

Rip of the Golden Pheonix [RoP]


Big thanks to Bright, who has shown me the secrets of the chest. Also I was sure that uninscribable weapons were upgradable (obviously not with inscriptions). I'm sure I'd upgraded something like it before.
New wep, up It's a shield and as usual I have no idea If it's worth Dolyak dung or not. It's probably merch-worthy as that seems to be the trend with golds I have got. I'm hoping to get rid of the useless golds for room for a second set of prestige armour.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2010


I think you can merch this one, not wanted skin +10 off

Bright Star Shine

Bright Star Shine

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2009


Club of a Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


Originally Posted by da mahius View Post
Big thanks to Bright, who has shown me the secrets of the chest. Also I was sure that uninscribable weapons were upgradable (obviously not with inscriptions). I'm sure I'd upgraded something like it before.
New wep, up It's a shield and as usual I have no idea If it's worth Dolyak dung or not. It's probably merch-worthy as that seems to be the trend with golds I have got. I'm hoping to get rid of the useless golds for room for a second set of prestige armour.
Swords, axes, Hammer, staffs etc can all be upgraded apart from their inherent mod. Shields, foci and wands cannot. Ever. (I'm talking uninscr here, just for the record).

As for your shield, I'm assuming it's purple, so it can be merched anyhow.

As for your sale thread: I'm not trying to belittle you, but you'd be better of merching everything on there tbh. The +20% vs Dragonmod does not suddenly make your sword worth 10k.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2010


also agreed with everything bright said in this thread

da mahius

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2010

Rip of the Golden Pheonix [RoP]


As well as giving me the useful advice can people actually PC the items I put up.
It seems I am forever doomed to be a noob at prices. The prices I use on my sale thread are according to the weapon mod pc thread in this section of the forums. It said Axe Grip of Dragonslaying = 10k, so I put the Dragonslaying Axe at 10k. I'm only doing what others seem to put on these forums (those who are seriously trying to be helpful).

Tender Care

Tender Care

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2008

Blackwater Park



16 AR q12 Tactics -2 Physical Damage (Stance) +1 Healing Prayers (19%): merch.....

Bladed Shield (Purple),16 AR q13 Tactics,+9 AR vs Demons: yes there's a vs demons shields fever, since most creature in DOA are demons i say u can merch this also, ppl want dual mod ones and if single-mod at least to be perfect (+10vs demons).

Round Shield of Endurance
16 AR (q9 Tactics) +35 Health (Stance) -2 Physical Damage (Stance): merch this also, sin is super common, health bonus is 10 off + ^stance mods sucks a lot

And ur reference to chestrunning making us rich: it's just a matter of luck in most cases. I chest runnned a lot and had only 3-4 decent drops, also in areas where rare skins are supposed to drop. Farming for hours the same spots can be better....imo