Wow, things have changed
Oh the good olde days of not having a minion cap for Necros...
Ah there are all the things that i missed XD
All games have the "good ol' days"'s just common nostalgia
But seriously, I know what you mean. I miss farming Gryphons/ Minotaurs in the desert with my Warrior
And seeing Droks Platemail on my first ever guild leader back in 2005; I was in awe.
I vaguely remember this.. :P
But seriously, I know what you mean. I miss farming Gryphons/ Minotaurs in the desert with my Warrior

And seeing Droks Platemail on my first ever guild leader back in 2005; I was in awe.
I vaguely remember this.. :P
Ghost Dog
Yeah when I got near enough gold for my FOW armor, on my warrior... I decided against it.
Twysted Troll
excellent post Don Zardeon, brought back so many memories,
the Monk Strike was one of the funniest events in my online gaming "career"
and my ranger still lives till this day.... felt so good finishing prophecies with little more than Winter in my skill bar rofl ....
i sometimes go back to Thunderhead Keep for trip down memory lane.... so hard to believe the problems we had with that mission in the good ol days :P
the Monk Strike was one of the funniest events in my online gaming "career"
and my ranger still lives till this day.... felt so good finishing prophecies with little more than Winter in my skill bar rofl ....
i sometimes go back to Thunderhead Keep for trip down memory lane.... so hard to believe the problems we had with that mission in the good ol days :P
Fantastic read. I truly enjoy the nostalgia. The good ol' days are often mentioned, and so the should be. They were great, just as todays are still.
LOL, yeah i go back there now and its a little depressing... how full it was from all the back up of noobs who couldn't beat it...
Lord Dagon
very nice read
glad you shared it!

I was totally gonna make a nostalgia thread, and this one delivers.
I was just dreaming back to the days when runes were worth something, and not too many people knew about ettin farming... good times
I was just dreaming back to the days when runes were worth something, and not too many people knew about ettin farming... good times
Lady S Shiva
arrrrrrr, i miss the good old days
"like this a lot"
"like this a lot"
But he forgot SORROWS FURNACE and TotPK!!!!!
For Ascolon! Only been played for 4 years, but I remember the Sin days and them thinking they could tank. lol it was fun
Has it really been so long Don?
It's a shame Nightfall ruined this game. It was so much more fun before it. They never should have made inscriptions as that just made it all too easy to get anything you wanted as far as stats go and pretty easy to get the majority of skin you wanted. No value, lost values, players quit.
The old days sucked. The intire game was just a huge pvp tutorial everyone skipped. No reason to go and explore because there was nothing to gain from it. A perfect waste of wonderful scenery.
Not to mention you were stuck with henches if you didn't use the current meta builds. I hate it when playing the game depends on other gamers willingness to tolerate your presence.
Not to mention you were stuck with henches if you didn't use the current meta builds. I hate it when playing the game depends on other gamers willingness to tolerate your presence.
somebody in my guild asked "can rits still spirit spam topk"
This made my day.
Give that man a cigar.
Give that man a cigar.
And more that it should change!
Nostalgia is for retrogrades! Look ahead, not behind! CHANGE! Yes, we can!
And all that stuff.
Ah.. if only the things I really want could happen, like the same drop system wordwide, weapon upgrade traders, a xunlai market and new weapon skins injected into Prophecies and Factions so they drop weapons for the new professions too, with more variety in skins, instead the same long sword, wooden longbow and amber wand all the time like in Nightfall and Eye...
Nostalgia is for retrogrades! Look ahead, not behind! CHANGE! Yes, we can!
And all that stuff.
Ah.. if only the things I really want could happen, like the same drop system wordwide, weapon upgrade traders, a xunlai market and new weapon skins injected into Prophecies and Factions so they drop weapons for the new professions too, with more variety in skins, instead the same long sword, wooden longbow and amber wand all the time like in Nightfall and Eye...
Nice read, I wish I heard of this game before but only found out last part of 2009

spun ducky
No just no the amount of scammers and such were much higher then as the population was ripe with noobs for the picking. It can be seen many different ways but the monk strike in THK is a good example of how people treated others. If your referencing how people act in speed clears now a days it is some what expected the learning population has dwindled and those who have done a job many times have less patience. It is a just a standard progression for games.
In the aspect of noobs I remember having an account on the euro servers and one american when the traders were separate. I would literally buy dye as fast as I could to dump at the american trader. I made millions doing nothing lol. I can think of many other abuses that went on in the early days that either abused game flaws or just the uneducated population.
In the aspect of noobs I remember having an account on the euro servers and one american when the traders were separate. I would literally buy dye as fast as I could to dump at the american trader. I made millions doing nothing lol. I can think of many other abuses that went on in the early days that either abused game flaws or just the uneducated population.
Update - Thursday, August 11, 2005
* Improved traders so that they maintain more stable prices and closer spreads between buy and sell prices. * Improved traders so that traders from all regions (America, Europe, and Korea) now buy and sell from the same stock and charge the same prices. and also reading through my prophecies manual...Atttribute Refund points...what the heck was that about |
Awesome Thread :-)
Come to think of it, we could do a SoS Rit strike, since uwsc, fowsc, deep, urgoz, doa and MQsc all need one, wouldnt that be a kick in the balls for everyone xD
Pinkest One
Heh awesome pic.
Come to think of it, we could do a SoS Rit strike, since uwsc, fowsc, deep, urgoz, doa and MQsc all need one, wouldnt that be a kick in the balls for everyone xD |
You pretty much had to have an infused monk to beat that mission and progress further in the game.
Speed clears are not mandatory to progress in the story/game.
Speed clears are not mandatory to progress in the story/game.

also the strike/protest at droks for all the 55hp bots. have a SS somewhere of that.
*pops a beer open* good times.
Ultimate story, bro.
Ghull Ka
Attribute Refund Points.
I'd bet that most GW players today have no idea how much it used to suck before you could just re-spec for free in towns.
I'd bet that most GW players today have no idea how much it used to suck before you could just re-spec for free in towns.
For Ascolon! Only been played for 4 years, but I remember the Sin days and them thinking they could tank. lol it was fun
Look I know a lot of people may disagree, but I think that was the end of the golden age.
When they nerfed sins in arenas and gave them God Mode in PvE is when the game went to crap.
It became about paying for runs through dungeons and elite areas (I only have Grenth Statue thanks to paying SF sin for run)
It was create a sin or you were poor from not being able to sell armbraces and ectos.
It has improved a lot, but it went on for so long that the economy was forever changed and players' sense of "entitlements" was forever changed as well.
But, but, but .....
My Elly heals + prots better than any necro or monk can. But not as well as a soul twister rit
Wait, whats damage? I've kind of completely forgotten that my elly can do any damage.
Ellys are healers with Ether Renewal, and Monks are nukers with RoJ right?
My Elly heals + prots better than any necro or monk can. But not as well as a soul twister rit

Wait, whats damage? I've kind of completely forgotten that my elly can do any damage.
Ellys are healers with Ether Renewal, and Monks are nukers with RoJ right?
I will Avenge you.
Oh and the pre-build window when you created a pvp character...
That should come back...
Oh and the pre-build window when you created a pvp character...
That should come back...
I remember:
- farming and selling unid runes to PvP players so they could unlock runes on their accounts.
- half the classes had no armour art for their elite armor.
- you had to use a cap sig during a bosses elite skill animation to capture it.
I went through my post history, I sold a rare unid ettins pauldron for 10k back then, now you get a trade window full of them for 7k
- farming and selling unid runes to PvP players so they could unlock runes on their accounts.
- half the classes had no armour art for their elite armor.
- you had to use a cap sig during a bosses elite skill animation to capture it.
I went through my post history, I sold a rare unid ettins pauldron for 10k back then, now you get a trade window full of them for 7k
Having to reroll your PvP character if you forgot a rune?
You obviously werent around for the monk strike or have ever tried THK with a proph only team and skill set.
You pretty much had to have an infused monk to beat that mission and progress further in the game. Speed clears are not mandatory to progress in the story/game. |
Coraline Jones
I remember when the most gimmicky, cheapest PvP builds were posted as pre-made builds for PvP and anybody could see and use them. Then there would be an "guild of the week" where newer cheap builds were posted right on the official GW site. The point is, some of the most broken builds that turned PvP into a total joke were often shown to players right in game or on the official website.
I remember when you had to wait for a boss monster to use their elite before you could capture it with a Signet of Capture. Fire Storm was one of the best elementalist skills because monsters didn't run away from it. Mesmers were able to completely shutdown boss monsters in PvE because they had such massive energy denial.
During the launch of Factions, everybody said that Ritualists were garbage and everybody played an Assassin (despite that they often were worse than any other profession). It took weeks before somebody discovered spirit spam and how badly they could be exploited for infinite energy. Then the nerfs showed up.
During the launch of Nightfall, everybody said that Paragons were garbage and everybody played a Dervish. It took weeks before somebody realized how powerful shouts were, and pretty soon the forums were filled with rage about how paragons didn't have enough counters. Eventually cry-way turned the Paragon into some kind of god profession. Then the nerfs showed up.
I remember when you had to wait for a boss monster to use their elite before you could capture it with a Signet of Capture. Fire Storm was one of the best elementalist skills because monsters didn't run away from it. Mesmers were able to completely shutdown boss monsters in PvE because they had such massive energy denial.
During the launch of Factions, everybody said that Ritualists were garbage and everybody played an Assassin (despite that they often were worse than any other profession). It took weeks before somebody discovered spirit spam and how badly they could be exploited for infinite energy. Then the nerfs showed up.
During the launch of Nightfall, everybody said that Paragons were garbage and everybody played a Dervish. It took weeks before somebody realized how powerful shouts were, and pretty soon the forums were filled with rage about how paragons didn't have enough counters. Eventually cry-way turned the Paragon into some kind of god profession. Then the nerfs showed up.
I remember when the most gimmicky, cheapest PvP builds were posted as pre-made builds for PvP and anybody could see and use them. Then there would be an "guild of the week" where newer cheap builds were posted right on the official GW site. The point is, some of the most broken builds that turned PvP into a total joke were often shown to players right in game or on the official website.