LF Sorrow's Furnace and FoW


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2010

As title says I need a runner for FoW and Sorrow's Furnace, difficulty doesn't matter as long as I get my HoM Statue

GMT+1, IGN: Zaynee Carrick

Contact me ingame, PM me here or post in this thread

Kind regards


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2010

Bump, still need both of them!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2010

Bump, no one?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2010

Bumping this

Matirion Maeronta

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2011

Noord-Scharwoude, NL


If you still need it, I am going to try to do sorrows later today with a team of heroes. You would be welcome to come along, but I can't promise anything (the setup I'm trying might fail completely, it's just intended as a test build).
The price will be 1k to be payed if I succeed. (Low price due to chance of failure, possible slow run and the area being easy in general.)
IGN Matirion Maeronta

Edit: As I was unable to contact you (seems you were afk?) I tried to do it alone and came to the conclusion that it doesn't work as well as I had hoped. Good luck finding someone who can do it and sorry for any inconvenience.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2011


I don't mind doing FoW if you have halfway decent heroes, tis fun and pretty easy.

I can't promise I am always free, I spend a fair bit of time mqsc.

IGN: Venganza Espirito


Successful run completed.