B/O only.
All gold weapons are inscribable and max damage.
*Back in Business, added 20+ Unded minis
Jade sword q10 4k
Jade sword q11 2k
Gladius q9 1k
Spatha q9 5k
Igneous blade q9 1k
Fiery Gladius q10 5k
Sephis sword q9 5k
Wyvern blade q9 5k
Zodiac axe q10 6k
Dragoncrest axe q10 3k
Dragoncrest axe q9 5k
Stygian reaver q12 5k
Zodiac hammer q11 3k
Zodiac hammer q10 5k
Crab claw maul q10 5k
Crab claw maul q9 15k
Gravel of the nephilim q11 2k
Gravel of the nephilim q10 5k
Gravel of the nephilim q9 8k
Celestial hammer q12 3k
Igneous maul q9 1k
Caged shortbow q9 1k
Ancient daggers q9 7k
Kamas q9 10k
Zodiac daggers q10 10k
Zodiac daggers q11 8k
Zodiac daggers q12 5k
Ceremonial Daggers q9 12k
Ceremonial Daggers q10 10k
Draconis scythe q12 5k
Draconis scythe q10 15k
Lesser guardian spear q12 1k
Greater guardian spear q10 8k
Greater guardian spear q11 6k
Greater guardian spear q12 3k
Draconic spear q11 6k
Draconic spear q12 3k
Ornate spear q11 6k
Ornate spear q12 3k
Suntouched spear q10 5k
Ceremonial spear q11 5k
Zodiac staff q10 insp 8k
Zodiac staff q11 spawning 5k
Zodiac staff q10 soul reap 15k
Zodiac staff q11 soul reap 10k
Zodiac staff q12 soul reap 5k
Zodiac staff q11 divine 10k
Earth staff (crystal) q10 8k
Earth staff (obsidian) q10 20k
Astral staff q10 divine 8k
Astral staff q11 spawning 3k
Suntouched staff q9 insp 20k
Suntouched staff q10 divine 10k
Zodiac scepter q10 energy 5k
Zodiac scepter q11 energy 4k
Zodiac shield q11 tac 5k
Zodiac shield q10 str 18k
Zodiac shield q11 str 10k
Zodiac shield q10 com18k
Zodiac shield q11 com 10k
Zodiac shield q10 moti 8k
Zodiac shield q12 moti 3k
Exalted aegis q10 tac 5k
Exalted aegis q10 str 10k
Exalted aegis q11 str 8k
Exalted aegis q10 com 10k
Exalted aegis q11 com 8k
Exalted aegis q9 moti 10k
Exalted aegis q11 moti 3k
Signet shield q11 tac 1k
Adamantine shield q10 tac 2k
Emblazoned defender q10 tac 8k
Enameled shield q10 tac 20k
Enameled shield q11 tac 15k
Gloom shield q9 tac 15k
Celestial shield q10 tact 15k
Diamond aegis q9 com 5k
Antiquated Rod 1k
Deldrimor Shear 8k
Droajam's Storm 3k
Daggers of Xuekao 5k
Droknar's Reaver 5k
Hidesplitter's Daggers 8k
Inspired Shadow Staff 1k
Inallay's Hornbow 1k
Kanaxai's Axe 3k
Kanaxai's Mallet 1k
Kanaxai's Edge 1k
Kaolin Daggers 1k
Luluh's Spear 5k
Mallyx's Endurance 1k
Mallyx's Making 1k
Mallyx's Reaver 5k
Mallyx's Maul 1k
Mallyx's Recurve Bow 3k
Murakai's Reaver 1k
Morgriff's Staff 1k
Nihil's Daggers 1k
Scythe of Corruption 5k
Stygian Spear 1k
The Yakslapper 3k
The Bloodspear 500g
Thorgall's Shield 1k
Urgoz's longbow 5k
Urgoz's shortbow 1k
Urgoz's flatbow 1k
150 Mercantilr Summoning Stones 300g/ea
Unded mini Temple Guardian 1k
Unded Necrid Horseman 1k
Unded Aatxe 3k
Unded Lich 40k
Unded Mursaat 8k
Unded Roaring Ether 8k
Unded Cave Spider 8k
Unded Abyssal 8k
Unded Simian 8k
Unded Irukandji 8k
Unded Freezie 25k
Unded Ooze 25k
Unded Nornbear 25k
Unded Black beast of Aaaarrrrrrggghhh 60k
Unded Word of Madness 15k
Unded Flowstone Elemental 35k
Unded Scourge Manta 35k
In addition to gold, I will gladly accept these forms of payment at the following rates (subject to change):
Ectoplasm @ 8k
Obsidian Shards @ 4k
Zkeys @ 6k
Consets @ 8k
Thank you
![Big Grin](../Img/biggrin.gif)