As the title says, could I please get a PC on these items:
-Armor 16, req8 motivation Plated Shield
-req9 +5e non inscrip. Grinning Recurve Bow
PC on 16/8 Motivation shield, +5e non-inscrip. Grinning Reccurve Bow
Death Knight
grinning recurve 5k/merchant
Death Knight
Need some more opinions please
Need some more opinions please
10k on the Bow.
The shield depends on rarity. Probably 15k or so for blue or purple. 70k-ish for gold (Mot isn't nearly as popular as command, so prices are considerably lower).
The shield depends on rarity. Probably 15k or so for blue or purple. 70k-ish for gold (Mot isn't nearly as popular as command, so prices are considerably lower).
Bow can go as high as 20-30k, it all depends on your luck. It took me 2 months to find a bow just like yours and I paid 30k for it when I finally did - and have been quite satisfied by it.