WTS some weapons from my chest
1.Chaos Axe
1.1.req 9//+15 dmg/in stance
1.2.req 9//+14 dmg/vs Hexed foes
1.4.req10//+15dmg/health down 50%
1.5.req11//+15dmg/while Enchanted
1.6.req11//Vampire 3/-1
1.7.req11//+15dmg/health above 50%
1.8.req12//+15dmg/while Enchanted
1.9.req12//energy +5
1.10.req13//Armor +5
2.Nightmare Spear req10 (insc.)
3.Ghostly Staff req9 (insc.) Inspiration Magic
4.Guardian Of The Hunt req12 (Insc.) Strength
5.Oaken Aegis req9 (Insc.) Tactics
6.Celsetial Weapon
6.1.Shield req11 (insc.) Strenght
6.2.Long Bow req10 (insc.)
6.2.Axe req12 (insc.)
6.3.Long Bow req12//+15dmg/-5e
6.4.Daggers req9//+15dmg while hexed
7.Ice Dragon Sword req9//+15dmg/health above 50%
8.Golden Pheonix Blade req12 (insc.)
9.Storm Bow req12 (insc.)
10.Amethyst Aegis req12 (insc.) Tactics
11.Eagle Defender req 8 (insc.) Command
12.Clockwork Scythe req13 (Insc.)
1.Ritualistic Ghostly Staff// *2
2.Inspired Shadow Staff// *2
3.Mallyx Strife
4.Stygian Spear
5.Scythe Of Corruption
6.Aegis Of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh
7.Shield Of the Hierophant
8.The Maneater
You can writh mi In Game, too
Ing: Resent of Knight
Resent Of Knight
Resent Of Knight
Bring up my post
i am the ownage
12.Clockwork Scythe req13 (Insc.) 8k
Resent Of Knight
bring up my post
Resent Of Knight
bring up my post
Resent Of Knight
bring up my post