Just looking to get rid of all of these items. Everything has a reserve, and will not be sold unless that reserve is met.
Ornate Buckler r10 tactics +30/-2stance - b/o 35k
Wooden Buckler r9 tactics -2enchanted/+30 - b/o 25k
Emblazoned Defender r11 strength +30/reduce bleeding - b/o 10k
Stone Summit Shield r12 tactics +45stance/-2stance - s/b 30k
And some specials:
Chaos Axe req8 *Gold* no dmg mod
c/o 100k
b/o 100k+5e
Flatbow (Feathered Skin) req8 +5energy
c/o 60e @ eir
reserve: 85e
Gothic Defender r11 strength +29/+10 vs slashing
SOLD for 20e to Pleikki, t4t
Guardian of the Hunt r9 tactics +29/-2enchanted
SOLD for 80k in-game
Golden Phoenix Blade r8 15>50
SOLD in-game 45e
Ornate Buckler r9 tactics +30/-2enchanted
SOLD for 30k to icecream
IGN - Joe Is Beastly
B/O's and reserves will be posted later. If you have a b/o offer let me know over the forums or in-game. May add more later, depending on interest..