Dark Ancestry
Dark Ancestry is opening it's doors to PvE and PvP oriented players. We are a newer guild consisting of a few friends and just like you we are looking for a well-run, stable, friendly, and all around social gaming community.PvX NEW Guild! <Dark Ancestry> is recruiting!
We aim to level up and progress throughout the game and to make sure that we are enjoying ourselves at the same time. It is also our goal to experience the full amount of the game which includes Realm PvP, Raiding, etc.
As is the case with most guilds, in the event that a large guild event will either be cancelled or pushed back we will spend that time planning other smaller events pertaining to quests or PvP activities. As mentioned earlier, we are recruiting both for PvE and PvP oriented members. Everyone is welcome to schedule and organize events amongst themselves and fellow guildmates.
Of course, like many other guilds, there are rules and standards we expect all of out members to abide by and stand up to:
If you have any questions regarding this post or anything regarding the guild feel free to ask us.
Jonathan, in-game
Our forum
or email us at, [email protected]
~ Jonathan