I'm not sure quite how to tell the value of items other than whats max dam,
and been gone for along time so here goes:
Hale Water Staff
Halves skill recharge of spells (20%)
Energy +10
Cold dam 11-22 r10 water
Inscrip: Aptitude not Altitude
29 Health
Halves casting time of water magic spells (20%)
Energy +15
Chaos Damage: 11-22 (Requires 9 Domination Magic)
Halves skill recharge of spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves casting time of Inspiration Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Health +30
Furious Golden Machete of Fortitude
Slashing 15-22 r12
Double Adrenaline gain (9%)
Health +29
Inscrip: Let the memory live again
Halves skill recharge of spells (9%)
Vabbian Defender of Devotion
Armor 16 (r12 command)
Health +41 (while enchanted)
Inscrip: Run for your life!
Recieved physical damage -2 (while in stance)
Lightning damage: 11-22 (Requires 9 Channeling Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Channeling Magic spells (Chance: 20%)
Energy +15
Energy regeneration -1
Thanks for any help guys
PC on some Gold weps
Bright Star Shine
You might get a couple k's for the Spiritspeaker, although I doubt it, because the market is flooded with them from back in DTSC days.
Merch everything else
Merch everything else
If it's the Canthan skin, you might get 2-3k for the water staff. Don't forget to salvage that HCT inscription too - those are worth a quick 8k or so.
Tender Care
merch everything and put greens on heroes!
anyway if u are desperate i agree with above
anyway if u are desperate i agree with above