Pre-Searing & Shing Jea Mercs?
Couldn't spot it in any of the existing Mercenary Hero threads, but did they remember to make sure you couldn't select a Merc in Pre-Searing or on Shing Jea Island where you normally have no access to Heroes on new characters?
You need to talk to one of the Mercenary Registrars in order to use your Mercenary Heroes on a character, and since those are only located in the port cities, EOTN, GTOB, and I think Embark Beach, no, you can't use it to unlock heroes while somewhere you'd normally not have them.
Ah, that's good to know. It does mean, though, that Istan characters'll have access to level 20 Heroes right off the bat (assuming they don't mind having to switch out every once in a while to level Dunk, Koss, Mel or Talk) because of Sebastian in the GToB.
Elonian characters already have access to level 20 character with MOX, or as soon as they get to level 10, with the EotN heroes.
Actually you can get to Embark Beach from everywhere.. so you could get them, not that I have tried I don't have mercs anyway.. (yet)
MOX is not Elona specific - you just need to own all 3 campaigns. For example, my (at the time) level 9 Prophecies Ranger just got M.O.X. outside of Lion's Arch. (And, I needed it's help to do the quest to get to Kamadan. )