petway mk2


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006



ages ago i tried to make a petway team hero build, wasnt very good . second attempt, with updated skills (comfort animal ) and 7 heros helps out somewhat
some sillyness, a sync join with my 2 accounts
at the start
on a roll with 16 minions, 8 pets, and a few spirits when we stop

ploughed though some normal mode pve very easily with that teambuild. not yet tried it in hard mode, but the lack of prot spirit is pretty obivous oh dear with hard mode

ill post some other builds later for other heros, some synergistic builds for dervs (apart from what ive posted), or just plain derv with pet would be good. same for ele, and paragon.

and yes i know pets arent that great, but its my attempt at running pets in a minimal gimped way

Kaloff THE overlord

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2010


I don't think you need barbs since it is 2 sec. casts and the target will probably be dead by then. Also why not just put the shambling horror skill on the main minion master instead of vamp or what ever the other minion skill is and put in deathly swarm/ rising bile?

Shayne Hawke

Shayne Hawke

Departed from Tyria

Join Date: May 2007

Clan Dethryche [dth]


If you're really set on using any kind of spirit, I'd drop your hard res and replace it with Summon Spirits so that you don't have to spend so much time setting it up every battle.

Skyy High

Skyy High

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2006


EBSoH seems like it'd be an auto-include to boost the damage from all those pets.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006



if you take barbs off people ask why it isnt there xD, and for bosses it should be redicous deathly swarm is a 2 second cast aswell, and rising bile with a instagib isnt that effective?

vamparics heal the MM, ive noticed MM's do get targeted more often than most of the backline, so thats a handy thing, the recharge on vampair and shambling is too long to run just those two skills. the other hero had some condition causing skill which i swapped out for the shambling, which bypasses the minion cap aswell , shambling will cause bleeding after the first death.

looking at it now, i realise i need more hexes :x


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006



ive not yet got ebsoh on this character
but sumon spirits does sound good, id take that and vamparism or whatever its called, and drop pison sig. 5second cast + 2sec prep is annoying

for mesmer, perhaps vor, and web of disrubtion

aoe necro hexes, meekness, ulcious lungs, suffering, will haveto pick one perhaps, or go for a cheap single target hex



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2010

In actual practice(so far) I have found you can only get away with 3-4 pets. The rest of your team needs the attribute points or secondary class. I have been experimenting with a pack hunter team build. That is to say, the most pets, minions, and spirits one can get away with and still work in a tough HM environment. This is what I came up with, although an ER Prot helps defense better than the OotV. I challenge others to do better.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006



if you have the skills, swap out poison bite on one/two of the rangers for feral lung, and enranged lunge should be good for a deep wound + lots of bonus damage. and theres no interupts?