7 hero team comp for ranger.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011



Well as the title says i'm trying to think of a good 7-hero team comp for a ranger. Earlier i was running a team of 3 discord, panic mez, extend conditions mez, warriors endurance war, and a UA monk, while i had run a basic AP caller.

I don't have any major complaints with the build, but i found it very slow when it came to killing dungeon bosses, even in nm.

Afterwards i tried running a damage focused discord, using 3 builds from the 2-man set-up, panic mez, Aotl EG MM Rit, Resto rit, and UA Monk, while, again, i ran AP caller. I found the build VERY slow in fights, being too heavy into the utlity/defensive side.

I've been considering a physical team, with 3 paras, 2 MMs, a panic mez, a war or Orders ele, and i would run some form of physical damage dealer, but nothing can quite match up to the imba, especially an R/A build to attempt to spam SY.

So i've come to guru to see if you guys could help me devise a good team comp that can compliment a rangers skill set, or cover his weaknesses.

If possible i'd like to have my ranger run a R/P build, but thats for cosmetic reasons (silver darkwing defender and black oppressor's spear looks nice with white&black ranger obby)

Tried and Triumphed

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2009



Personally on my ele I've been running Discord, Wastrel Panic, SoS, SoGM, and an ER protter I know it's not physical but it's fast safe and efficient if you are running an AP Caller anyway


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2010

Originally Posted by Kunder View Post
Gotta say that switching out the 2nd MM for a Keystone Signet mesmer is going really nicely in lower corpse areas and especially areas with blocking (see: Stygian Veil/Gloom). Slightly less impressive amounts of loleasymode steamrolled Margonites, though. Trying to incorporate an AoD Derv with support heals, but the AI just doesn't seem to be reliable and its too much to micro for the harder battles. Would go for it myself but my Derv is still so damn far from DoA...

Me:Barrage/Distracting Shot/Save Yourselves/Ebon Battle Standard of Honor/For Great Justice/Serpent's Quickness/Antidote Signet/Optional PvE slot
MM: AotL/Masochism/Animate Bone Fiend/Blood of the Master/Dark Bone/Aegis/Protective Spirit/Signet of Lost Souls
SoS:Splinter Weapon/Ancestor's Rage/Signet of Spirits/Mend Body and Soul/Spirit Light/Protective was Kaolai/Siphon Spirit/Signet of Creation
ST: Soul Twisting/Recuperation/Shelter/Armor of Unfeeling/Mend Body and Soul/Spirit Light/Protective Was Kaolai/Boon of Creation
Panic:Panic/Wastrel's Demise/Mistrust/Channeling/Waste Not, Want Not/Power Drain/Hex Eater Signet/Flesh of my Flesh
Keystone:Keystone Signet/Symbolic Celerity/Mantra of Inscriptions/Unnatural Signet/Signet of Clumsiness/Signet of Deadly Corruption/Hex Eater Signet/Signet of Distraction
Blood/Curse:Cultist's Fervor/Mark of Pain/Order of Pain/Dark Fury/Blood Bond/Meekness/Enfeebling Blood/Blood Ritual
HB:Healing Burst/Dwayna's Kiss/Shielding Hands/Aegis/Cure Hex/Spirit Bond/Power Drain/Leech Signet Is what I'm messing around with atm. TBH, I find rangers much better then paragons. TNTF is laughable compared to the much higher DPS rangers can hit with barrage. I much prefer the -100% damage of dead things over the -35% damage of TNTF, and with Dark Fury keeping up SY is absolutely no problem, if not easier and more convenient than with the paragon (longer range/self condition stack removal)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011



tbh i find being a barrager extremely boring, i just sit there spamming 11111111111 until everything dies, and i'd like a build that aid in immersion instead of making me want to play while i have hulu going.

Also that last bar on the Monk seems a little too spread out in stats, DV, healing, prot, and inspiration is too much.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Amazon Basin [AB]


R/P is fine for beastmaster (or hybrid) type build, the ranger forum should have some. You might find that easier to control than koss, and you can put strength of honor on one or both of them too.

Discord is, by itself, pretty bad vs big bosses. It's fueled by constant soul reaping, and really its main effect is to finish off something you already half-killed with AP, which doesn't work on big bosses. If you can't bring a specific foil like pain inverter/calculated risk or some other punisher hex, you can get alot of damage from spirits in that situation. (As long as the AoE isn't too wide)

Kunder's build with an R/P should work well enough, although you can probably tweak it some for your character. In particular I would swap the orders for curses that better fit your single-target focus and work with your pet and minions.

Divine Ashes

Divine Ashes

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006




I've used myself as a Splinter/Barrage, with a discord nec, an SS nec (w/ lots of other Curses), SoS Rit (with Resto), SogM Rit, UA monk, Panic Mes, and Jagged Bones MM.

The build worked very well, but I found the Discord Nec to be sort of out of place. Maybe a Sig Mes or Ineptitude mes would be a better substitute? Maybe even a little beefier character like a Para or another Splinter/Barrage would work.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011



eh only 1 discord hero is kind of wasted, discord works because the spike is massive, i'd run icy veins or SV



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2011

Charter Vanguard [CV]


So far I'm running Spiritway + SS necro + Panic mesmer + HB monk + a dervish, but that dervish end dying all the time.
I wonder if I remove that dervish and add a 3rd necro with icy veins would be better or figure a better dervish tank build.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2010

I'm not really a fan of R/P builds, but if you want a pet you can run nearly the same thing I had with volley instead of barrage, then dump a few less-needed skills for your choice of Enraged Lunge/Brutal Strike/Scavenger Strike/NRA and the like. I actually run that more often than the barrage build since pets are more ranger-y, I just can't recommend it as the best I've come up with (though it certainly does well, pets rape single targets).

The interestingness of overall builds nowadays are going to depend on how much you like microing heroes. While they do alright alone, good micro lets you abuse MoP and stuff much better. Frankly, you could probably go to sleep while playing any decent 7 hero build.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2008

Maybe try something like this: