discortway+ some other heroes


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2010

The Netherlands

Dutch Flaweless [DL]


i am using a dervish at the moment and after the update i was looking for good hero set up, so this is what i have at the moment:
Myself: dervish
Pious assault, twin moon sweep, hearth of fury, mystic standstorm, aura of thorns, dust cloak, staggering force and avatar of balthazar.
with this build i would walk in front and spam burn and other conditons so discort will be very usefull.

discortway with this setup:

a monk, just normal healer:
the hero variant

a panic mesmer:
panic, cry of frustration, wastrel's worry, mistrust, unnatural signet, pwer drain, waste not want not, (rebirth)
got this from a friend ingame, thinking of use another skill for rebirth

i am not sure about this one:
an elementalist with searing flames, i don't know if i am going to use this one, it might be to much burn with avatar of balthazar (maybe use another avatar)
searing flames, glowing gaze liquid flame, meteor, fire storm, power drain, fire attunent and glyph of lesser energy.

i can use one more hero, what kind of hero should i use?
and what do you think of the rest?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2008

Ign: Miniature Julia

Teh Academy[PhD]


id kick out the ele for 2 rits, one that uses Soul twisting(check pvx) and one with SoS.
SoS should have splinter+Arage, since ur an dervish, youll be happy to have Splinter on you.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2010

First of all it's "Discord", not "Discort".

Here is what I run:
3 discord Necros (the build you posted above)
ST rit {OACjAyhDJPFMsZmLa/4+mbOoJA}
Ineptitude {OQBDAawDSvAIgrA5ZTAkALfZAA}

I, myself play as a dervish with SY. My build doesn't really matter since the heroes blow stuff up.

Also note that I don't use an addition Monk to heal like you did. This setup is capable of handling a good amount of pressure. For example, I was trying out UW with this setup. In the Wastes, I aggroed two groups of Smites and our party nearly wiped. NEARLY! I only had 3 heroes alive, all below 50% health, and somehow we managed to rally and beat the smites.