Inventory sell out
I want to sell things that are currently making my inventory full, so this is the list:
84 Bottle rockets
21 Snowman Summoners
30 Creates of fireworks ------Sold
3 Frosty summoning stones
3 Gelatinous summoning stones
6 Automaton summoning stones
15 Merchantile summoning stones------Sold
1 Ghastly summoning stone----Sold
30 Celestial summoning stones,-------Sold
1 demonic summoning stone
7 Mesmer tomes
4 Warrior tome
1 Necromancer tome
1 Ritualist Tome
4 Sugary blue drinks
10 Pumpkin cookies
3 White dye
1 Black dye
15 Cottontail tonics
12 Candy apples
244 Frosty tonics
Gorrel's Cane:
Chaos dmg: 11-22(Requires 9 Illusion Magic)
Halves casting time of spells(Chance:10%)
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance:10%)
Alem's Remedy:
+15 energy
Dark dmg: 11-22(Requires 9 Restoration Magic)
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance:20%)
Energy +5(while health is above 50%)
Health +30
Grim Shadow's Staff:
+10 energy
Dark dmg: 11-22(Requires 9 Soul Reaping)
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance:20%)
Energy +5(while health is above 50%)
Health +60
Jin's Hornbow:
Piercing dmg: 10-16(Requires 5 Marksmanship)
Damage +10%
Armor -10(While attacking)
Lengthens bleeding duration on foes by 33%(Stacking)
Health +15
Saushali's Recurve Bow:
+5 Energy
Lengthens dazed duration on foes by 33%(Stacking)
Piercing dmg: 15-28(Requires 9 Marksmanship)
Health +30
Vahlen's Vow:
Damage +15%(while health is above 50%)
Lengthens dazed duration on foes by 33%(Stacking)
Slashing dmg: 9-41(Requires 9 Scythe Mastery)
Health +30
Lord Onrah's Sword:
Damage +15%(while health is above 50%)
Armor penetration +20%(Chance:20%)
Slashing dmg: 10-13(Requires 4 Swordsmanship)
Health +20
Morgriff's Staff:
+10 energy
Cold dmg: 11-22(Requires 9 Death Magic)
Halves casting time of spells(Chance:10%)
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance:20%)
Kanaxai's Mallet:
Damage +15%(while health is above 50%)
Armor penetration +20%(Chance:20%)
Blunt dmg: 19-35(Requires 9 Hammer Mastery)
Health +30
Gorrel's Staff:
+10 Energy
Damage +15%(while health is above 50%)
Chaos dmg: 11-22(Requires 9 Illusion Magic)
Halves casting time of spells(Chance:10%)
Health +30
Health +30
Reduces deep wound duration on you by 20%(Stacking)
+10 Energy
Damage +15%(while health is above 50%)
Holy dmg: 11-22(Requires 9 Divine favor)
Halves casting time of Healing Prayers spells(Chance:20%)
+5 Energy(While health is above 50%)
Eshekibeh's Scythe:
Damage +15%(while enchanted)
Life draining: 5
Health regeneration: -1
Slashing dmg: 9-41(Requires 9 Scythe Mastery)
Health +30
Ky's Chalice:
Energy +12(Requires 9 Divine Favor)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor spells(Chance:20%)
Health +45(while enchanted)
Selboh's Gaze:
Energy +12(Requires 9 Blood magic)
Energy +15
Energy regeneration: -1
Health +30
Hamlen's Artifact:
Energy +12(Requires 9 Smiting Prayers)
Smiting Prayer +1(Chance:20%)
Health +45(while enchanted)
Zoldark's Rod:
Dark dmg: 11-22(Requires 9 Soul Reaping)
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance:10%)
Energy +15
Energy regeneration: -1
Balthazar's Fury:
Damage +15%
Armor -10(while attacking)
Slashing dmg: 9-41(Requires 9 Scythe Mastery)
Double Andrenaline gain(Chance: 10%)
Health +30
The Lifedrinker:
Energy +7(Requires 4 Blood magic)
Blood magic +1(Chance:20%)
Health +20
The Bison Cup(gold):
Energy +6
Inscription: "Hail to the king"
Armor +5(while health is above 50%)
Energy +6(Requires 9 Divine Favor)
Energy +6(Requires 9 Energy Storage)
Energy +6(Requires 9 Fast Casting)
Energy +6(Requires 9 Soul Reaping)
Energy +6(Requires 9 Spawning Power)
Health +30
Insightful Holy Branch Of Defence:
+10 Energy
Fire dmg: 11-22(Requires 10 Divine favor)
Reduces Poison duration on you by 20%(Stacking)
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance:20%)
+5 Energy
+5 Armor
Azure Recurve Bow of Shelter:
Inscription:"Vengance is mine"
Armor +6(vs.Physical dmg)
Piercing dmg: 15-28(Requires 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15%(While health is above 50%)
Eldrich Maul:
Armor penetration +20%(Chance:20%)
Blunt dmg: 19-35(Requires 9 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +15%(While health is above 50%)
Health +30
Sunreach's Shield:
Armor 16(Requires 9 Tactics)
Received Physical dmg: -5 (Chance:20%)
Health +30
Other Stuff:
Bow grip of enchanting: Enchantements last 20% longer
Inscription: "Dont Call it a Comeback!" (Energy +5 While health under 50%)(for spellcasting weapons)
Inscription: "Cast out the Unclean" (Reduces disease duration on you by 20%)(for focus items and shields)
Bowgrip of Marksmanship(Marskmanship +1(20% using skills)
Vampiric Bowstring(Lifedraining: 5, Health Regeneration -1)(For Bows(logic?))
Moa egg
2 Monumental Tapestries
3 Imperial Commendations
15 Monastery Credits
2 Battle Commendations
Encrypted Charr battle plans
Inscribed Secret
Equipment Requisition
Volcanic Rock
Candy Cane Bow(Piercing dmg: 15-15)
Grail of Might
Dedicated minipets:
Jade Armor
Miniature Celestial Ox
Roaring Ether
Water Djinn
Whiptail Devourer
Thorn Wolf
Cave Spider
Celestial Tiger
Jungle troll
Undedicated minipets:
Thorn Wolf
Miniature Mandragor Imp
IGN: Vseved Zna or Send me a private message here
84 Bottle rockets
21 Snowman Summoners
30 Creates of fireworks ------Sold
3 Frosty summoning stones
3 Gelatinous summoning stones
6 Automaton summoning stones
15 Merchantile summoning stones------Sold
1 Ghastly summoning stone----Sold
30 Celestial summoning stones,-------Sold
1 demonic summoning stone
7 Mesmer tomes
4 Warrior tome
1 Necromancer tome
1 Ritualist Tome
4 Sugary blue drinks
10 Pumpkin cookies
3 White dye
1 Black dye
15 Cottontail tonics
12 Candy apples
244 Frosty tonics
Gorrel's Cane:
Chaos dmg: 11-22(Requires 9 Illusion Magic)
Halves casting time of spells(Chance:10%)
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance:10%)
Alem's Remedy:
+15 energy
Dark dmg: 11-22(Requires 9 Restoration Magic)
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance:20%)
Energy +5(while health is above 50%)
Health +30
Grim Shadow's Staff:
+10 energy
Dark dmg: 11-22(Requires 9 Soul Reaping)
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance:20%)
Energy +5(while health is above 50%)
Health +60
Jin's Hornbow:
Piercing dmg: 10-16(Requires 5 Marksmanship)
Damage +10%
Armor -10(While attacking)
Lengthens bleeding duration on foes by 33%(Stacking)
Health +15
Saushali's Recurve Bow:
+5 Energy
Lengthens dazed duration on foes by 33%(Stacking)
Piercing dmg: 15-28(Requires 9 Marksmanship)
Health +30
Vahlen's Vow:
Damage +15%(while health is above 50%)
Lengthens dazed duration on foes by 33%(Stacking)
Slashing dmg: 9-41(Requires 9 Scythe Mastery)
Health +30
Lord Onrah's Sword:
Damage +15%(while health is above 50%)
Armor penetration +20%(Chance:20%)
Slashing dmg: 10-13(Requires 4 Swordsmanship)
Health +20
Morgriff's Staff:
+10 energy
Cold dmg: 11-22(Requires 9 Death Magic)
Halves casting time of spells(Chance:10%)
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance:20%)
Kanaxai's Mallet:
Damage +15%(while health is above 50%)
Armor penetration +20%(Chance:20%)
Blunt dmg: 19-35(Requires 9 Hammer Mastery)
Health +30
Gorrel's Staff:
+10 Energy
Damage +15%(while health is above 50%)
Chaos dmg: 11-22(Requires 9 Illusion Magic)
Halves casting time of spells(Chance:10%)
Health +30
Health +30
Reduces deep wound duration on you by 20%(Stacking)
+10 Energy
Damage +15%(while health is above 50%)
Holy dmg: 11-22(Requires 9 Divine favor)
Halves casting time of Healing Prayers spells(Chance:20%)
+5 Energy(While health is above 50%)
Eshekibeh's Scythe:
Damage +15%(while enchanted)
Life draining: 5
Health regeneration: -1
Slashing dmg: 9-41(Requires 9 Scythe Mastery)
Health +30
Ky's Chalice:
Energy +12(Requires 9 Divine Favor)
Halves skill recharge of Divine Favor spells(Chance:20%)
Health +45(while enchanted)
Selboh's Gaze:
Energy +12(Requires 9 Blood magic)
Energy +15
Energy regeneration: -1
Health +30
Hamlen's Artifact:
Energy +12(Requires 9 Smiting Prayers)
Smiting Prayer +1(Chance:20%)
Health +45(while enchanted)
Zoldark's Rod:
Dark dmg: 11-22(Requires 9 Soul Reaping)
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance:10%)
Energy +15
Energy regeneration: -1
Balthazar's Fury:
Damage +15%
Armor -10(while attacking)
Slashing dmg: 9-41(Requires 9 Scythe Mastery)
Double Andrenaline gain(Chance: 10%)
Health +30
The Lifedrinker:
Energy +7(Requires 4 Blood magic)
Blood magic +1(Chance:20%)
Health +20
The Bison Cup(gold):
Energy +6
Inscription: "Hail to the king"
Armor +5(while health is above 50%)
Energy +6(Requires 9 Divine Favor)
Energy +6(Requires 9 Energy Storage)
Energy +6(Requires 9 Fast Casting)
Energy +6(Requires 9 Soul Reaping)
Energy +6(Requires 9 Spawning Power)
Health +30
Insightful Holy Branch Of Defence:
+10 Energy
Fire dmg: 11-22(Requires 10 Divine favor)
Reduces Poison duration on you by 20%(Stacking)
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance:20%)
+5 Energy
+5 Armor
Azure Recurve Bow of Shelter:
Inscription:"Vengance is mine"
Armor +6(vs.Physical dmg)
Piercing dmg: 15-28(Requires 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15%(While health is above 50%)
Eldrich Maul:
Armor penetration +20%(Chance:20%)
Blunt dmg: 19-35(Requires 9 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +15%(While health is above 50%)
Health +30
Sunreach's Shield:
Armor 16(Requires 9 Tactics)
Received Physical dmg: -5 (Chance:20%)
Health +30
Other Stuff:
Bow grip of enchanting: Enchantements last 20% longer
Inscription: "Dont Call it a Comeback!" (Energy +5 While health under 50%)(for spellcasting weapons)
Inscription: "Cast out the Unclean" (Reduces disease duration on you by 20%)(for focus items and shields)
Bowgrip of Marksmanship(Marskmanship +1(20% using skills)
Vampiric Bowstring(Lifedraining: 5, Health Regeneration -1)(For Bows(logic?))
Moa egg
2 Monumental Tapestries
3 Imperial Commendations
15 Monastery Credits
2 Battle Commendations
Encrypted Charr battle plans
Inscribed Secret
Equipment Requisition
Volcanic Rock
Candy Cane Bow(Piercing dmg: 15-15)
Grail of Might
Dedicated minipets:
Jade Armor
Miniature Celestial Ox
Roaring Ether
Water Djinn
Whiptail Devourer
Thorn Wolf
Cave Spider
Celestial Tiger
Jungle troll
Undedicated minipets:
Thorn Wolf
Miniature Mandragor Imp
IGN: Vseved Zna or Send me a private message here
71 Slices of pumpkin pie 100g/ea
ign: Tongue Tornado
ign: Tongue Tornado
jars of honey 120g each = 2160g
creme brulees 200g each = 2800g
neith bow mistress
edit: thanks for the quick trade
creme brulees 200g each = 2800g
neith bow mistress
edit: thanks for the quick trade
ty for quick trade
Bid on a stacks of wintergreen cc 25k and a stacks of peppermint cc 50k.
IGN: Corvus Hun
Ty, for the fast trade.
IGN: Corvus Hun
Ty, for the fast trade.
Bring Up My Post
15 Merchantile summoning stones 250ea
1 Ghastly summoning stone 2.5K
30 Celestial summoning stones, 300ea
30 Creates of fireworks 300ea
ign:roxie mon
1 Ghastly summoning stone 2.5K
30 Celestial summoning stones, 300ea
30 Creates of fireworks 300ea
ign:roxie mon
Undedicated minipets:
Thorn Wolf 2k
Miniature Mandragor Imp 2k
4k total
IGN Jeska Windreaver
Thorn Wolf 2k
Miniature Mandragor Imp 2k
4k total
IGN Jeska Windreaver
244 Frosty tonics, 21 Snowman Summoners-10k
- Darkarrow shooter
- Darkarrow shooter
i'll take u all 5 green staff for 10k
Purely Purity
sunreach's shield 3k
ign: purely impurity
ign: purely impurity
Saushali's Recurve Bow: 2k
Kanaxai's Mallet: 2k
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
Kanaxai's Mallet: 2k
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
I will buy the rest of summoning stones for 200g each.
IGN: Angel of Truths
IGN: Angel of Truths
I want the rit tome. IGN: Gato Gato Gato Gato
EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post The posting of a bid to make your conversation within a thread “legitimate” will not be tolerated and may at the moderator's discretion result in a ban There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid. If you need to retract or decide to change your bid edit your existing post. In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post The posting of a bid to make your conversation within a thread “legitimate” will not be tolerated and may at the moderator's discretion result in a ban There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid. If you need to retract or decide to change your bid edit your existing post. In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
Grim Shadow's Staff-2k
the mordiego
the mordiego
Zoldark's Rod, 1k
IGN: Nahemah of Babylon
IGN: Nahemah of Babylon
3x White Dye 3k ea
1x Black Dye 7k
IGN Arkum Zai
1x Black Dye 7k
IGN Arkum Zai