Outcast Shield r10 str
Health +42 while enchanted
Armor +10 vs. piercing damage
Staffs (not sure if i should just npc them or if i can get something for them)
r11 death 20/10
r13 divine 20/10
r12 illusion 20/10
PC Outcast shield + staffs
Matrix Arcade
I'd personaly merch or hero the staves. High reqs and 20/10. The shield +-30-50k
Tender Care
agreed with Matrix on staves.....50-60k for shield
I just wanted to share what i sold it for.
It took me 2min in Kamandan, before i sold it for my asking price, i probably could have gotten more (we will never know) ?
I hope it will help others
It took me 2min in Kamandan, before i sold it for my asking price, i probably could have gotten more (we will never know) ?
I hope it will help others
No one ever believes me when I say I have sold worse shields for even that much (outcast, gothic, ornate, etc), but not too many that really know prices or actually observe that well....