Problems downloading update: downloads then says it's 'connecting'


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2011

[email protected]

Hey all,

So after I sign in, select my character, and I go to the downloading update page, it gets stuck on 0% and then goes between about a 10 second window where it says it's downloading and it shows how much it's downloaded (currently 43.6 MB (12-85KB/Sec), still at 0%, stuck on file # 14,839.) and connecting.

So it can't make up its mind on whether it wants to download the files or if it wants to connect and it's still stuck on 0%. It just keeps on having to reconnect and it's really annoying.

Anybody have the same problem?
Anybody have any ideas for a fix?

I tried the Google DNS thing: didn't work.
I tried running the program as an administrator: didn't work.

Thanks in advance for any help.

P.S. I noticed on the character selection screen that the background downloader doesn't seem to have a problem downloading. Maybe I should leave it on the character selection screen for a while and let the background downloader do its thing? Or are the background downloader and the update screen downloading two different things?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2010

Gameamp Guides [AMP]


Try to run -repair or delete the entire dat and run -image.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2009

Best idea would be to run the -image command. This let's you grab any missing pieces to your dat file. Best part is you can start it and then just walk away and let it do it's thing. If you're not sure how to run that command check here.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2011

[email protected]

So I added the '-image' string into the game shortcut and the GW downloader has been downloading all night, but now the downloader is doing the same thing it was doing in the game. But instead of being stuck on 0% percent, it's stuck on 81% with 12218 files remaining, and it's going back into that cycle of 'Connecting to ArenaNet' and downloading but yet not moving beyond 12218 files remaining. Which is kind of even more frustrating because the end is so close.

Maybe try '-repair' now?

What's your guy's opinion?

Also, if I close out the downloader, will all that information that took all night to download, be erased?

Again, thanks in advance. You're really helpin' me out.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2009

You could try that, but as was stated; using -repair/-image is trying to fix the WHOLE .dat file. The -image tries to download any missing piece that you don't have, which wiki says could be 4+ GB. So depending on your internet connection it could take a long time to download. My understanding of the -repair command is that it just searches through the .dat file and looks for errors and tries to fix them. Again, this will take awhile to run through the whole file.

I don't think shutting down the downloader will affect anything. All it will do will stop and then resume the download from where you left off next time you run it. Think of it as if you were background downloading while playing, if you quit the game the next time you start back up it will continue where it left off.