Q 9 Tactics Embossed Aegis (Armor +10 vs Plants, Dmg -2 while in a stance)
s/b 1k
Q 11 Pyroclastic Axe (Shocking mod, +20% enchaments last longer, +5energy)
s/b 1k
Q 9 Katana (Furious mod,+5 energy,+20% enchaments last longer)
s/b 1k
Embossed Aegis http://img823.imageshack.us/f/gw534.jpg/
Chaos Axe http://img51.imageshack.us/f/gw533.jpg/
Caster Chaos Axe http://img9.imageshack.us/f/gw536w.jpg/
Pyroclastic Axe http://img405.imageshack.us/f/gw537.jpg/
Katana http://img850.imageshack.us/f/gw538.jpg/
My IGN is Vanquard Assasin if you have any questions
WTS Oldschool Chaos Axes and different weps
James Pontikka
IGN : The Soul Of A Demon
Im intressed in both the chaos axes.
Im intressed in both the chaos axes.
shadowstep runner
if caster chaos is still up for sale ill buy it just name the price xD
IGN: Shadowstep Runner
IGN: Shadowstep Runner