Unded Confessor Dorian -SOLD in game
s/b 140e
c/o ?
b/o 180e
Q8 Kournan Defender Str. (Gold ,max,insc) -SOLD for s/b an1sh
s/b 30e
c/o ?
Q9 Eternal Shield Str (non-insc, +45 stance +10vs blunt)
s/b 1e
c/o ?
Q9 Eternal Shield Str (non-insc, -5/20% +9vs fire)
s/b 1e
c/o ?
Q10 Eternal Shield Str (non-insc, -2/ench +10vs undead) -SOLD in game
s/b 1e
c/o ?
Q8 Protective Icon (blue ,max+12, insc)
s/b 30k
Q10 Dragon Kamas 15^50 (non-insc)
s/b 1e
Q6 Dual winged Axe ( gold,insc, but not max 6-22 , i guess this is max dmg for Q6 Item,)
s/b 1e
c/o ?
leave a offert or pm ing Koxx ftw
CLOSE my Thread please
Mini Dorian,Shields Q8,Q9, and more.
Bright Star Shine
Eternal Shield: 30k
Let me know b/o
edit: forgot to mention what one, i meant the +10v undead
Let me know b/o
edit: forgot to mention what one, i meant the +10v undead
Bring Up My Post.....
Bright Star Shine : Eternal +10vs undead b/o 10e
Bright Star Shine : Eternal +10vs undead b/o 10e
s/b on q8 Kournan defender
Also, whats the b/o out for the kournan shield?
IGN: Darksein Wracken
Also, whats the b/o out for the kournan shield?
IGN: Darksein Wracken
Kung Foo Man Choo
15k for the dragon kamas
Bright Star Shine
b/o eternal shield then^^
EDIT: After I took this b/o on the shield, and waited patiently for the man to come online, I pm'ed him, saying I was free to come pick up my shield. His reply "I already sold it.". My first thought: "He might mean: " it's already taken and not know it's me" but I was mistaking. This man sold his shield after I took his b/o. In his defence, he said "I pm'ed you but you didn't reply.". So, after realising that this man sold my shield, because he couldn't wait 5 fricking minutes for me to get back to my computer, he also said "and they gave a higher offer anyway". So, he didn't only violate the fact that I took his b/o, he also sold to someone with a higher offer, WITHOUT telling me first. Because, "he waited for me to come back".
You sir, are a dick. And I wish only the worst to you and your dog. Yes your dog. I am so mad right now, that I should probably stop typing before I get myself banned.
Originally Posted by Koxx
EDIT: After I took this b/o on the shield, and waited patiently for the man to come online, I pm'ed him, saying I was free to come pick up my shield. His reply "I already sold it.". My first thought: "He might mean: " it's already taken and not know it's me" but I was mistaking. This man sold his shield after I took his b/o. In his defence, he said "I pm'ed you but you didn't reply.". So, after realising that this man sold my shield, because he couldn't wait 5 fricking minutes for me to get back to my computer, he also said "and they gave a higher offer anyway". So, he didn't only violate the fact that I took his b/o, he also sold to someone with a higher offer, WITHOUT telling me first. Because, "he waited for me to come back".
You sir, are a dick. And I wish only the worst to you and your dog. Yes your dog. I am so mad right now, that I should probably stop typing before I get myself banned.
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Plz stop cry and be online when Sellers are if u sure want to buy what seller have dont when u want!!!
nly crazy kids can say what u say!
Are you kidding me? I have to be online when you are, not when I please to be online? Are you really serious? I mean, come on? Are you really that retarded, or are you only pretending.
Also, I heard english is fun. You might wanna learn it some time.
Also, I heard english is fun. You might wanna learn it some time.