Originally Posted by melissa b
2 You say farming mobs is an exploit conditionally if it is quest spawned and abandoned (maybe you also mean quest spawned and not completed too since many people never abandon the quest-they simply rezone or map out).
However this is not an exploit either way. As it has existed openly for a very long time as method to progressing or completing titles without be nerfed or called an exploit by anet and openly encouraged on the official wiki in guides. Examples as follows.....
a) http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Legen...der_Of_Ascalon This links explains how to get LDOA on the official wiki and states "Perhaps even better, repeatedly abandon and re-accept the quest Charr at the Gate (point 1 on map below). That quest spawns 4 Charr and you have Prince Rurik and his guards doing the killing for you. " this was in reference to going from level 7 to level 10 as a step towards the LDOA title long before the new quests were added.
It is an exploit no matter how you look at it. Does it even make sense in the lore that to be a "Legendary Defender of Ascalon", you have to let the charrs kill you and repeatedly resurrect until you level them up so you can kill them to gain XP? Does this even make sense as a game play mechanic for an average pre-searing player that just bought this game?
Having said that, unfortunately it is also an exploit that ANet used to encourage through a broken mechanism in the game that allows monsters to level up by killing you repeatedly. We know that ANet doesn't always do the right thing for the game. They thought that by getting people interested in LDoA, they can extend the "life" of GW1 until GW2 is ready even if they are encouraging people to exploit a broken mechanism of the game.
b)http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Light...nk#Acquisition This link explains how to quest spawn bosses and margonites to speedily obtain the lightbringer title. You spawn these mobs through 2 quests repeatedly by never turning in the quest or if you accidentally complete, abadon and retake the quest.
Again another exploit that doesn't make sense to the game mechanic or the lore. But fortunately in this case, you dont need to use this exploit to progress in your lightbringer title as there are many other legit ways to do that.
On the other hand, before this update, death leveling was the only way to obtain LDoA. You didn't have a choice if you wanted this title.
Yes we are trying to achieve a title as fast as possible but through a historically legitimate method but newly available in this case to complete the LDoA title.
It is still exploiting a broken game mechanic, granted it was one which would probably not get you banned since that was the only way for anyone to get LDoA back then.
Now that we have a proper way of getting LDoA through quests, why do we have to revert to depend on using such exploits again? It is time for ANet to get rid them and work on the actual game play experience itself.
As far as not taking much skill, its a point based title with no hard mode requirement of which most of these require no or little skill. Even doing 1 quest a day and not mob farming takes no skill. As far as botting, well many titles are bottable but thats up to anet to police and the person playing to respect the terms of service.
LDoA is one of the most bottable titles because it is one of the most simple (i.e. don't need skill or intelligence) to achieve. The thing that stops most people from achieving this title is just the degree of boredom, which bots are totally immune from.
3. How do you know most people cheated the title. Also, the method to get a title shouldn't be 1 way is the right way. There should be different ways for different peoples preferred play methods.
As I know many people who have botted to get this title, then it stands to reason that there are many more people whom I do not know of, who also botted to get this title.
Different ways of getting the title, should not include botting or exploiting broken game mechanics. It should be different ways of playing this game legitly, not legitimizing the use of bots and hacks.
How you get a title has little to no bearing in proving skill. The best skilled player could pay a runner to complete a dungeon. While a terrible player could redo a dungeon over and over and over and memorize all spawns and copy wiki builds and eventually beat it.
Again, the game has many exploits and these should be addressed each on their own. Even a terrible player can get better by trying to beat this game repeatedly using legit methods than relying on exploits. Hiring a runner and going afk would not make you a better player.
Originally Posted by Gli
The title you eventually gain will display just the same, without any kind of shameful notification attached that you didn't finish it before some arbitrary deadline. Once you manage to hit level 10, any further 'grind' is purely unnecessary and wholly self-inflicted. Complaining about it is moronic and very reminiscent of an addict blaming his lot on the substance he abuses.
I think the new quests are a step in the right direction. All we need now is for ANet to:
1. Close the death leveling exploit for LDoA
2. Close the vanguard quest exploit for people who repeatedly farm the spawns.
Reason: People are complaining that the new quests encourages easy (i.e. 2-days) LDoA.
Next, ANet can do more to improve on this further by:
1. Make the quests harder so people are encouraged to party up
2. Make the rewards better so people are still interested in getting LDoA after all the above changes.