Hex/cond removal


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2010


Been trying to work on a paragon bar for this... Which do you think is better? The first one seems to build adrenaline faster (I threw in Song of Concentration and Anthem of Envy), but the second has Hex Eater for non-spell casters...


bitchbar player

bitchbar player

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

still lost

Guy In Real Life [GIRL]


If you would want to change your elite you can always go with empathic removal.

Kaida the Heartless

Kaida the Heartless

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006


Empathetic Removal is the way to go on a para. If you are running a caster party, you may also be interested in Hexbreaker Aria. Song of Purification is the (only) winning condition removal paragons have.

Paragons are quite dependent on their teammates, so until I know your team build, it's hard to point you in the right direction for skills.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2010


Mostly mesmers/rits/necros, but my primary is a Ranger. Empathic removal is cool but it doesn't do party-wide... It could take 7 x 7 = 49 seconds to remove a full party hex and condition, while it probably takes less than 8 seconds to do via Song and Aria/Hex Eater...



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


Needs more shout spam and less anthems, otherwise you will be doing close to no damage/adrenaline buildup with autoattack.

If you really need deep Hex removal bring Expel Hexes.

Hexbreaker Aria is problematic because of the cast and 8 adrenaline (~10 seconds of autoattack under Aggressive Refrain) so I'd micro Expel + Hexeater Signet.

For conditions, just bring foul feast on a necro honestly.

EDIT: the rationale for not needing elite condition removal is it's not PVP. The conditions will rarely get reapplied properly unless it's some place similar to Shards of Orr where every mob has conditions but very few hexes. If condition removal is important to you consider using avatar of melandru dervishes or Pure was Li Ming in addition to Foul Feast. The only deadly conditions are blind (reduced by clarity rune and shield -20%), cripple (for melee which is mitigated by Foul Feast), and daze (rarely in bulk except for Incubus).



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


Signet of Aggression is giving you +2 adrenaline at the cost of 1.75 seconds (+2 adrenaline over the course of 1.75 seconds due to 0.75 aftercast) autoattack. It's on 5 base cooldown, 3 under mantra of inscriptions. To build adrenaline as fast as Soldier's Fury (1.333 per second) /Aggressive refrain (1 every ~1.1 seconds) it needs to build 2-3 adrenaline every 2 seconds. Whenever you use a chant you cut 1.75 to 2.75 seconds of adrenaline gain so Signet of aggression is really not as great as it seems. It's a good skill for long walks since you can stop adrenaline from flashing (i.e. adrenaline end).

That's what pushes command miles up over motivation paragons. The only anthems command paragons use is typically anthem of envy; anthem of flame/anthem of weariness. Also, most of the shouts are frontloaded (Fall Back!, Stand Your ground, Incoming!, etc. GFTE! is spammed so having it as an energy skill would be a nerf honestly.)

With command paragons you get little or no aftercast, more autoattack damage, less attribute investment (9+1=10 command is enough for general use).

If you insist on motivation, the skills you should look at are Energizing Finale (TPiY if you want, otherwise just bring GFTE at any spec >5), Ballad of restoration (which is useful for the whole team rather than a few), Song of Restoration. Skills like Aria of Zeal, Zealous Anthem, etc. are gimmicky since you affect 1/3 -1/2 of a balanced team and unless the team's energy management sucks it won't be very much help.

Kaida the Heartless

Kaida the Heartless

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006


Staggering Force, Dust Cloak, Zealous Renewal, Wearying Strike (or Pious Assault), Twin Moon Sweep (or Pious Assault), Radiant Scythe, Avatar of Melandru, Heart of Fury



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2006

Hexbreaker Aria cant be used exactly when needed. Your whole party might be hexed, but you might be stuck at 0 adrenaline making it rather pointless.

Hex Eater signet is a lot better, but it has a long recharge. I generally wouldnt waste an elite slot on hex removals, two hex eater signets within your party should suffice for just about anything, and you can put convert / reverse hex on an E/Mo hero.

If your going into an area where hexes arent much of a problem and you arent taking any hex removals, consider adding a panic mesmer with shatter hex, which makes great use of hero AI casting their hex removal on any hex in the party. Remove a hex + 114 aoe damage.