Noninscribable Goodies & some nice skinned inscribable stuff
15e on : Celestial Scepter Req12com HRT20%com HCT10%
and 35e on :Celestial Scepter Req9spawn 5^ench HCT20%restore
and 35e on :Celestial Scepter Req9spawn 5^ench HCT20%restore
Clouded Maul Req9 INSCR = 15k
IGN Ishana Damari
IGN Ishana Damari
Facteur Hyacinthe
Broadsword [canthan] Req9 +15/-1energy reg.
30k on this one.
Ing: Il Scaramouche Il
Tsointsoin <3
30k on this one.
Ing: Il Scaramouche Il
Tsointsoin <3
Combat Unit
Celestial Scepter Req9spawn 5^50 HRT10% = 65k
ign Combat Unit
ign Combat Unit
well bump this again i guess
Hey system, I'll take the 15^50 Clouded Maul please
Thanks for the trade
Thanks for the trade
james jean
offer 60k total for both aureate daggers
ign Seba Jun but prefer if pm here
EDIT: retracting on both dagger offer and instead changing to just the +5 energy aureate for 40k
EDIT 2: haha i want to change again if you still have these daggers but 30k for the 15^50 :/
ign Seba Jun but prefer if pm here
EDIT: retracting on both dagger offer and instead changing to just the +5 energy aureate for 40k
EDIT 2: haha i want to change again if you still have these daggers but 30k for the 15^50 :/
bring up my post....
t4t all!
@james jean: pm me when u c me online! thx
t4t all!
@james jean: pm me when u c me online! thx
bring up my post again
il go ahead and take the 13^50 felly, thanks.
ign Ghetto Panda
ign Ghetto Panda
Platinum Wand Req9divine 10/10 = 20e < b/o
Eternal Shield Req9str +30/-20%weak offer 50k
< r a i n z
Eternal Shield Req9str +30/-20%weak offer 50k
< r a i n z