13 Mar 2011 at 00:07 - 5
I would swap the flesh of my flesh on your healer out for xinrae's weapon or weapon of remedy for sure. you really dont want your dedicated healer ressing in mid battle (thus not healing) and losing half his health while hes at it (flesh of my flesh sacrifices 50% hp). Besides, Rejuvenation is better replaced by Restoration, but thats my opinion.
Also, 2 of your hero's carry splinter weapon, while none of them attack physically. so unless they have spear/shield sets or something similar (which I wouldnt reccomend) the only physical attacker is you (I assume). Swap out splinter weapon for spirit rift on your SoS rit. It causes cracked armor so another condition for your mesmer.
And finally, when in NM, you should swap out the spirit spammer (the one with signet of ghostly might) for a searing flames nuker or any other nuke build I personally favor searing flames.
excuse my bad english im tired :3