I don't know why, or how to fix it, but in the past week Google has been REALLY slow and unresponsive for me. No matter if I access it from my Mac, PC, another PC in the house or my iPod Touch, the response times to pull up search results and image search results is painfully slow. I also have google's public DNS addresses setup on my computers+ipod... Now, if I ping google.com i get an average of 12ms ping which makes no sense. Perhaps my ISP is getting into a little feud with google or companies with google and decided to stretch their e-peen a bit by being Big Brother and throttling their customer's access to google? And when you connect to "google" aren't you actually connecting to the closest google-owned cached content server within a radius of your ISP? So perhaps it's this one near me, or maybe not. Maybe I have to wait it out, but ether way it's really irritating. Google is google, I refuse to use bling..er "bing".
Anyone else experiencing this by any chance?
Super Slow Google
If you're using a router, setting the DNS on your PC/iPod won't help.
Test it, instead. Run a ping and tracert to google.com and see what it says. A tracert can tell you if there is a problematic hop along the way.
Test it, instead. Run a ping and tracert to google.com and see what it says. A tracert can tell you if there is a problematic hop along the way.
gmail is superslow for me too. Might just be my third-world internet, though. Telefonica are SHIT.
i think google servers have just been overloaded or something. as above, they have been slow for me as well, and thats from my android phone, home desktop, laptop (wherever i may be), etc