WTS a Few Shields
Gabriel of Ravn
C/O: 30k StueyG
B/O: 80k
C/O: None
B/O: Later
C/O: 20k mrseasonalt
B/O: Later
C/O: None
B/O: 30k (lowered)
Also a Sword Pommel of Demonslaying 19%: B/O: 10k
Wintergreen Candy Canes: 30k/stack (x8)
Any offer will be taken seriously just no small increment overbids those are annoying
Tyvm for the Trade Old Gray Dude
old gray dude
hi ill go b/o on the ornate shield
ign old gray dude
ign old gray dude
15k on the heraldic shield...........
Gabriel of Ravn
bump bump to the top
Gabriel of Ravn
and another bump needed
Gabriel of Ravn
super late bump
20k Heraldic...
Gabriel of Ravn
and bumps again
Gabriel of Ravn
and bumpy bump bump
20k on wooden buckler
IGN Chorseman Derio
IGN Chorseman Derio
Teddy Bear Ftw
I'll b/o on the q7/ar15 tactics
ign: Teddy Bear Guns Up
ign: Teddy Bear Guns Up
Gabriel of Ravn
time for a bump
30k Heraldic...............
Gabriel of Ravn
1 more bump needed might end up closing for a week will be busy