PC on some high end shields

Soul Link

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2010

R8 Str Eternal Shield
+10 AR v. Fire

R10 Str Amber Aegis
+10 AR v. Fire

R13 Tact Outcast Shield
+28 HP
+10 AR v. Slashing

R12 Tact Echovald Shield
+30 HP

R9 Tact Plagueborn Shield
+9 AR v. Lightning

All max armor and gold, save Plagueborn is a grape.


PC on the following as well.

R9 Domination Cockatrice Staff
20% HSR
20% HCT Domination

R9 Divine Favor Cockatrice Staff
20% HSR
10% HCT

R9 Gothic Sword
15% dmg
-1 Energy regen

R9 Gothic Sword
15% dmg
-1 Health regen

Soul Link

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2010

Bump. New stuff added too.

Bright Star Shine

Bright Star Shine

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2009


Club of a Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


Eternal: some 30e methinks
Amber: some 80k methinks
Outcast: some 60k methinks
Echovald: some 25-30e methinks
Plagueborn: some 30k methinks

o m g pizowned

Site Contributor

Join Date: Aug 2006

echo 40-50e imo
plageuborn may get 30k but prolly a hard sell..

Tender Care

Tender Care

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2008

Blackwater Park



Echovald: agreed with post above, 40-50 ectos

Amber +10 vsfire 60-70k...but hard to sell i believe..

R9 Gothic Sword: this is not getting much, but still 10-15k
15% dmg
-1 Energy regen

R9 Gothic Sword: around 60-70k if memory helps
15% dmg
-1 Health regen



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2007

so cal


I think amber could get a bit more, like 12-15 ecto, not the best mods in the world, but they are not terrible, plus they are perfect and it is a lower-end strength q sweet skin

the 20/20 cockatrice staff, dom is not the most popular att and the skin is quite common, but it's gold uninsc and perfect so 30-40k would make me happy, the 20/10 say 10k

the outcast is one of the best skins in the game imo, plus useful dual-mods! 2 pts off and high req ding it a lot, but I've seen worse mods go for more than 70k...I would say 10-12 ecto on that bad boy

I would personally merch the q9 gothic -1 energy sword, common skin and meh mod..however, the 15/-1 health gothic I agree with tender although maybe a bit less (50k and I'd be happy)

o m g pizowned

Site Contributor

Join Date: Aug 2006

I sold a req9 15/-1energy long sword for 50k. gothic is a more rare and liked skin. at least 40-50k imo




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


Gothic 15 -1hp would be stupid to sell at 50k, I have sold many crap skins for that price with a higher req --- 60-70k+ on it

Domination not a popular att? You been under a rock? Don't see too many 20/20's of that skin, I'd say 100k+ easy



Site Contributor

Join Date: Aug 2008


Gentlemens Club [GC]


Agree with Stuey on the vamp Gothic Sword and 20/20 Dom Cockatrice.
I'd say 75k for the sword, and *at least* 20e for the staff. q9 20/20 matched is damn rare in any Canthan staff, and Domination is one of the more in-demand attributes.

Matrix Arcade

Matrix Arcade

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2008

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

1. +-30e.. not sure.. Eternals are kind of not wanted.
2. +-10e tbh.. +10vs fire and -5/20 is just kinda bad.
3. +- 20e
4. +-35e
5. Merch, purple is terrabad.
6. 20e+ easily imo.
7. I'd merch. Cockatrice is very common and 20/10 is unwanted.
8. I'd merch or 10k
9. 75k ish without a problem.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2007

so cal


Originally Posted by StueyG View Post
Domination not a popular att? You been under a rock? Don't see too many 20/20's of that skin, I'd say 100k+ easy
still say 40k would make me happy - just going on personal experience trying to sell similar items...I guess I just don't have the patience to wait the hours/days it would take to sell for that price, nor do I have a FL full of billionaires who think 100k is a drop in the bucket