i looking for run Tyrian vanguish, i afk and vamp weap, will pay 110g each foe
ING; W Luna W
LF Tyrian Vanguisher
Matirion Maeronta
I should be able to do a few each day(1-2 on weekdays, more on weekends), contact me if you see me ingame (and I'm not set to away, if I am I'm giving someone a run or I'm afk) or I will try to contact you.
For 4 man areas we start in the nearest 6-8 man area.
I also have to say that it won't be a quick vanquish, but a normal one.
IGN: Matirion Maeronta
For 4 man areas we start in the nearest 6-8 man area.
I also have to say that it won't be a quick vanquish, but a normal one.
IGN: Matirion Maeronta
150g per foe regardless of area, except for Majesty's rest which is flat 50k. Will do as many required. Most vq will be chained for efficiency, i.e., multiple regions.
IGN: Mhenlo is my son
IGN: Mhenlo is my son