Anyone else annoyed by the lack of choice in Wand skins?
It's absolutely terrible when looking at the attributes. For pretty much any other item has a huge selection in the different attributes and skins but with Wands. Some attributes hardly have 7-8 different ones to choose from and usually theyre kindof wierd skins far too overinspired by the attribute they belong to.
I really wish NCSoft would either release quite a few new skins or simply open up the current one to some additional attributes. Because allmost all the wands in this game only exist in a single attribute!
I really wish NCSoft would either release quite a few new skins or simply open up the current one to some additional attributes. Because allmost all the wands in this game only exist in a single attribute!
The problem I have always had is that casters never really appealed to me and when I do play with them and actually care about one I'll get an ugly ass looking staff that looks like a piece of wood that has had one end bashed into a concrete pad for 10 years and has AMAZING STATS, then I'll find a beautiful looking one with incredibly awful stats. Then the hourglass staff came along.
BTW, NCSoft does not make things for Guild Wars, Arena Net does. All NCSoft does is be a Mother company to ArenaNet so they can make cash and put their name on the box.
BTW, NCSoft does not make things for Guild Wars, Arena Net does. All NCSoft does is be a Mother company to ArenaNet so they can make cash and put their name on the box.
I have the same problem not only with wands but also with focuses (foci?). The main problem is that most wand/focus skins are exclusive to a class, whereas special skins with all (primary) attributes only exist for staffs (BDS, Cobalt, ...).
But tbh, I don't think that this will change. I think the next weapon skins will be available for completing Winds of Change.
But tbh, I don't think that this will change. I think the next weapon skins will be available for completing Winds of Change.
There are plenty of good wand skins, but most of them are locked up in green items and never occur elsewhere. I'd love to get my hands on a Dragon Rod or a Silver Cane, but they are all PvP rewards and a single green item, who's stats may be utterly useless.
I agree, it would be nice if they were opened up to more possibilities.
I agree, it would be nice if they were opened up to more possibilities.
Good luck finding a noninscribable, whatever skin it is.
Staves used to be even more insane (since they also have condition duration mods) before they changed it to 20% inherent recharge.
Staves used to be even more insane (since they also have condition duration mods) before they changed it to 20% inherent recharge.
It's annoying that there are tons of cool wands / foci but they are only available as PvP rewards, primary attributes, class specific and / or incredibly rare. Even as the PvP reward which you can create as any attribute it is virtually impossible to create the higher tiered ones unless you have tons of RP's pouring in from AT's and high mAT placements.
Anet should revamp the weaponsmiths to offer some of these skins that are not available in practice for any attribute.
Anet should revamp the weaponsmiths to offer some of these skins that are not available in practice for any attribute.
Black Metal
check out the bmp ones and the norn/asura/vanguard skins, most people totally overlook them but they are all unique
There are plenty of good wand skins, but most of them are locked up in green items and never occur elsewhere. I'd love to get my hands on a Dragon Rod or a Silver Cane, but they are all PvP rewards and a single green item, who's stats may be utterly useless.
I agree, it would be nice if they were opened up to more possibilities. |
I'm in the same boat. Almost all wands, foci and staves only drop either as primary attributes, uninscribable, available to select attributes (factions, I'm looking at you) or are just incredibly rare.
Only way to get some of these skins for a desired attribute is to use PvP rewards and make one for a PvP character, which is completely ridiculous as you must first make 50 basic ones, then 50 fancy ones, then finally reach the exotic category to get that desired skin. You have to be GvG'ing in order to meet those requirements. Getting them through ZCoins is just painfully slow. Previously, you could get them easily by doing HB Tournaments which you could do by yourself. Now there's no alternate way to gather TRPs'.
Also the fact that wands, staves and foci from factions are not available for certain attributes (eg. healing prayers and protections prayers) and are uninscribable makes it quite pathetic. You can't get inscribable versions from the ZChest. This just reduces the number of weapons casters can choose from. Why do you think everyone has a BDS, Frog Scepter and tormented weapons? Because they're the only decent looking skins that bypass all the limitations listed above. They are getting old and stale and this "weapons meta" needs a change.
Only way to get some of these skins for a desired attribute is to use PvP rewards and make one for a PvP character, which is completely ridiculous as you must first make 50 basic ones, then 50 fancy ones, then finally reach the exotic category to get that desired skin. You have to be GvG'ing in order to meet those requirements. Getting them through ZCoins is just painfully slow. Previously, you could get them easily by doing HB Tournaments which you could do by yourself. Now there's no alternate way to gather TRPs'.
Also the fact that wands, staves and foci from factions are not available for certain attributes (eg. healing prayers and protections prayers) and are uninscribable makes it quite pathetic. You can't get inscribable versions from the ZChest. This just reduces the number of weapons casters can choose from. Why do you think everyone has a BDS, Frog Scepter and tormented weapons? Because they're the only decent looking skins that bypass all the limitations listed above. They are getting old and stale and this "weapons meta" needs a change.
Asura is good, it's the only good one at all for ritualists.. The worst thing is, we start out with a good one but cant ever get it again at higher levels.
Squishy ftw
I agree with the OP, platinum wand is like the only one I really like. But I just see it as yet another excuse to camp my defensive set even more.
Bright Star Shine
I really want a nice Celestial Scepter, but they are so rare with any nice mods that they are impossible to find.. Of all the weapons they could have added to the Zchest in my opinion, Celestial Scepter is still my #1. Any other skin, like Kappa Shields etc, should not have been added, but the scepter, they have my blessing..
I really want a nice Celestial Scepter, but they are so rare with any nice mods that they are impossible to find.. Of all the weapons they could have added to the Zchest in my opinion, Celestial Scepter is still my #1. Any other skin, like Kappa Shields etc, should not have been added, but the scepter, they have my blessing..

Personally, i find even worse the Foci variety. Celestial Compass, Paper Lantern, maybe Asuran focus, but this are the only nice skins that i remember.
Anyways, agree on wands too. Wayward wand, blazing wind wand and few others are enough good.
Anyways, agree on wands too. Wayward wand, blazing wind wand and few others are enough good.
I agree that wands got really bad skins. But I find alot of weapons/items in GW to have alot of bad skins. There are so many common skins, just typical old boring sword skin, stick skin. I also wish they would add some new and exciting items/weapons. I like the destroyer wand but, the focus is horrible. It's huge compaired to it's counterpart x.x
The only ones I like is these;
Crystalline Sword
Frog Scepter
Celestial Compass
Tormented Weapons
Draconic Shield
Voltaic Spear
Destroyer Wand
Platinum Wand
Bone Dragon Staff(I think it looks really good on a necromancer with minions or a ritualist! But I wouldn't imagen having one on my monk
These skins are beautiful, IMO.
The only ones I like is these;
Crystalline Sword
Frog Scepter
Celestial Compass
Tormented Weapons
Draconic Shield
Voltaic Spear
Destroyer Wand
Platinum Wand
Bone Dragon Staff(I think it looks really good on a necromancer with minions or a ritualist! But I wouldn't imagen having one on my monk

These skins are beautiful, IMO.
You can add me to the list of people torqued off by primary only attributes and wand/foci/staff skins locked to specific attributes....most of them not inscribable either!
I'd really like to get that floating crystal air focus type look in say fast casting or inspiration or communing....etc...
I'd really like to get that floating crystal air focus type look in say fast casting or inspiration or communing....etc...
Many wands looks like maces. I'd rather have actual maces. Caster weapons for melee range. I could use them with my monk, necromancer and elementalist when I go PBAoE and/or touchy.
That and not being able to use wand wrappings in the wands dropped in the outmoded system annoys me more than the low variety in wand drops.
But if they ever turn all those underused skins into random drops, they should give priority to Prophecies and factions, since they are the campaigns with less variety in skins.
OF course, if they also updated the drop system. Otherwise it would be like cutting a diamond to throw it to the pigs.
That and not being able to use wand wrappings in the wands dropped in the outmoded system annoys me more than the low variety in wand drops.
But if they ever turn all those underused skins into random drops, they should give priority to Prophecies and factions, since they are the campaigns with less variety in skins.
OF course, if they also updated the drop system. Otherwise it would be like cutting a diamond to throw it to the pigs.
Voodoo Rage
To me one of the drabbest looking "elite" skins in the game is the Celestial Compass focus. I remember the first time I bought one I ran outside to check it out and immediately ran back in and sold it. The some goes for the Tormented wand and focus. Bought them and sold them within a day.
I think the Dolyak Prod staff is just awesome but it doesn't come in any attribute I care to play.
But as far the OP goes, I can't think of any wand I would care more than 2 cents about.
I think the Dolyak Prod staff is just awesome but it doesn't come in any attribute I care to play.
But as far the OP goes, I can't think of any wand I would care more than 2 cents about.
Looking through the list of wands, I only just realized that all the ones I like except for the Platinum Wand are highly exclusive, and only available as greens or in PVP.
That is very annoying! I never noticed it because I mostly use green or BMP weapons on my characters.
That is very annoying! I never noticed it because I mostly use green or BMP weapons on my characters.
CC, froggy, platinum some1 mentioned, many eotn staffs, etc look good too. But they either cost 100+e or not available in curtain attribute. I don't expect them to fix this, but I hope they'll address this issue in GW2. Letting people change staff's attribute (once) would be nice.
i don't even bother trying to keep track of wands, you get so few of them in drops, and the mods are so crazy rare.
My mesmer has an oppressors domination sceptre and focus, and finding 40/40 mods is incredibly hard.
So far I have two 10% mods and a 17%.
I gave my green 40/40 set to my main toons domination hero.
So far I have two 10% mods and a 17%.
I gave my green 40/40 set to my main toons domination hero.
I really want a nice Celestial Scepter, but they are so rare with any nice mods that they are impossible to find.. Of all the weapons they could have added to the Zchest in my opinion, Celestial Scepter is still my #1. Any other skin, like Kappa Shields etc, should not have been added, but the scepter, they have my blessing..
pvp water looks like its giving the finger lol.