Warrior and his Angels


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2010


So for $%#& and giggles I decided to try and run a all female hero team with my Warrior. Hammer build shown here, but I run whatever, whenever on him.

It's kind of meh...

Livia spends up her time and more importantly energy on casting Death Nova and Putrid Bile. Her protection skills need to be micro-ed on me. Hell, if I could I would just carry them myself. I need to time my pull and blocks better I guess. But, I am thinking of carrying Protection for myself.

Xandra would probably be better as a Communing than Channeling spirits. The two spirit rits really kick ass together. I need to find builds to replace Razah's damage.

The Dervish build seems to work fairly well

Anyways I am horrible at build making and usually use Meta builds and such. Maybe tweak them some, but for the most part...yea...lazy

I would like to carry "The Angels" instead of the Meta's Sabway and Spiritway, but there is a reason why those builds are great. SYNERGY...which seems to be elusive with my Angels.

So please feel free to comment or make suggestions.

Maybe a 100 blades Jora?

Maybe bring Margrid as another Barrage?

Zenmai...errr....are there really any decent Assassin builds for heroes?

Anyways at least it will be fun trying out some different concepts ...I guess?

I wished there was a female Ele to run ER Prot...

But, no....we got to have a half horse and Muppet instead of a beautiful woman.

I hate using Zhed, I always find myself stepping in his "ahem" waste. That $%^# is hard to get of my shiny armor!

Squishy ftw

Squishy ftw

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2007

Your backline


I often run a very similar setup but with a few changes skill-wise:
Melonni is avatar of balth with 3 short duration/fast recharge flash enchantments(sand shards!)
They're on fire + anthem of flame on the para
Fragility + epidemic on the ranger
And since I'm not a fan of the chaos storm stuff I just use panic/mistrust/unnatural with curse support in weaken armor/enfeebling/MoP



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2006


The Legion of the Blue Blade


My suggestions would be as follows:

Your Rit is fine, don't change it. She will do a lot more damage than a Communing Rit.

On your necro - you will find she has energy management problems because shes spamming Death Nova and Protective Spirit. Replace Shield of Protection with Signet of Lost Souls or Foul Feast to help with energy management.

On your Paragon - replace your 4th attack skill with Aggressive Refrain. You'll get a lot more out of it. Also, get rid of Natural Temper - your Livia and Talkhora will be casting Enchantments on the heroes so half the time it will have no effect.

On your Dervish (apart from having the skills all out of order - sorry OCD!) it looks ok, although I'd replace Irristable Sweep with one which causes Deep Wound (specifically, Wearying Strike) you already have a stance removal, you don't need another.

Your Mesmer isn't too far off the mark although I'd be tempted to replace one of the signets with Mistrust (that skill is the bees knees).

Your Ranger - WAY too many attack skills. Lose Body Shot and Pin Down and equip them with a Zealous Bowstring, you'll keep your energy up fine. If you're feeling adventurous (read: do this) I'd swap Magrid's elite for Incendiary Arrows and give her a Preparation, then you could set her build up like this:

Incendiary Arrows, Dshot, Savage Shot, Sloth Hunter's Shot, Read the Wind, Lightning Reflexes, Optional, Res Chant.

You don't need to put many points in Wilderness Survival, you're using it as a sort of Barrage without the Prep removal effects.

Your Monk is ok, although Divine Healing and the other DF party heals are a bit meh. I'd put some utility in there: Cure Hex and Spotless Soul.

Lots of suggestions, if you implement them, I think you'll find your build will be much more stable, have better damage and energy management.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011



I'd make mesmer take mantra of inscriptions or signets, the +9 -12 armor would be nice to 60al.

For the ranger distilledwill is right about the ammount of attack skills, I'd take I-Arrows too with apply poison and perhaps to make most of conditions I'd swap para for Mesmer with Fragility and hybrid it with stand your ground, thinking ineptitude. I wouldn't take ranger otherwise panic and monks rupts seems enougth.

Sabres Phoenix

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2011

Reign Of Judgement


I think your Para bar could do with a little revising. The two anthems will buff half of the am, as well as the spirits the SoS will drop. "GftE" will give the hero e-management, and also give a boost to the minions. Those 3 skills will add lots of little extra packets of damage that all add up. Personally, I usually drop Wild throw or the res to take Fall Back too, but I figured that given you gave the para 4 attacks, you wouldn't want to lose 2 of them.

Stunning Strike
Wild Throw
Vicious Attack
"Go For The Eyes"
Anthem Of Disruption
Anthem Of Envy
"For Great Justice"
Signet Of Return



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2008

Your mesmer doesn't do enough damage. Try this:

http://pvx.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Pv...Submit+Qu ery

Paragon heroes don't use stunning strike well. Try:

http://pvx.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Pv...Submit+Q uery

Too bad there are no female ele heroes (except using a merc). Otherwise you can bring a ER protect/smite with SoH.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2010


Thanks for the suggestions! I will try them all out. Keep it coming.

I almost added Sig. Of Lost Souls, but couldn't make up my mind on which skill to drop. I knew energy was a problem for her though. I was aware.

I was looking for a way to power adrenaline. Doh! FGJ...:/ "hides his warrior embarrassment"

(distillwill)The 25 in energy isn't prohibitive in using Aggressive Refrain? I took it out because of this. I hate high energy usage.

I will lose two of the attacks if it helps. I will run your bar Sabres Phoenix adding Fall Back for Wild Throw.

I do like the look of this bar.

I like Dwayna build because of the healing support. Although I did think of Balthazar. Will add Wearying Strike. Also will put in a better order? OCD noted! lmao

Will use Mistrust in place of Sig of Disruption.

(Squishy ftw} I think she does enough damage, for her role anyways. She is mainly for shut down and she gets enough damage from her interrupting. But, I will look at your suggested build and try it as well.

Yes! I love the ranger build ideas suggested by distilledwill, ian1421 amd squishy. Will definitely try some form of this. I put zero thought into her build and it shows. If I like this build I may run two Rangers.

Will swap the healing skills in for the divine ones.

Yup Daesu, I wished there was a female Ele as well. I might Merc that. ER Prot is very good.

I'll also look at your Paragon suggestion.

Thanks so much guys, looking forward to trying these things and more out. I am so bored with 3 Necros, 2 Mesmers, 2 Rits. But, damn they work so good. I hope to come close or even surpass that 7 with The Angels!

And what of poor left out Zenmai and Jora? It wouldn't be often that I would take another melee hero or even replace Melonni, but...

I wonder if Mox is a female.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2011

Haha, epic. You really get to be the hero ^^

Introverted Dimensions

Introverted Dimensions

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006


For your ranger, you don't need barrage AND volley. i'd suggest running with this

Volley, Infuriating Heat (E), Distracting Shot, Savage Shot, Then pretty much anything you'd like to fill the rest of it.

My main is a ranger and I run an infuriating heat build with an earth shaker build on my Koss. It's a joke. Equip that with a proper E/R prot and you'll just decimate anything in your way.

Also, how can I post my build+hero setup without having to use pawned? is there a website or something?