I've started this thread to facilitate the swapping of the duplicates in my minipet collection.
Please Note
-They aren't for sale, I'm not here to make a profit, I just want to swap the doubles I have for ones I don't and I'm hoping other people will want to do the same.
-All Mini's offered for swaps must be UNDEDICATED, the one's I'm offering will be the same.
-I'll put in what I'll swap each one for, I'm happy to trade up but don't expect a 4th year purple in exchange for a 2nd year white.
-Swaps will be one-for-one unless you have a few common to swap for one uncommon.
-Please post what you want to swap and I'll pm to arrange the trade.
-All trades are on a first-come first-served basis.
-Thanks for looking
Have Will Swap For Need
Abyssal Koss, Ooze, Wind Rider, Jora
Ventari Brown Rabbit, Siege Devourer, Evennia,
Princess Salma, Livia, Jora, Confessor Dorian
Peacekeeper Enforcer, Confessor Isaiah
2 x Celestial Rabbits Celestial Pig, Celestial Ox, Gray Giant, Destroyer of Flesh,
Ceratadon or any of the Ventari swaps
Thanks for all the successful trades
17 Mar 2011 at 14:56 - 3
ooze - nian
19 Mar 2011 at 07:38 - 4
Have Abyssal, Will trade for Roaring Ether.
And I don't have anything you wanted for Nian but I will trade for it for:
Koss and any combination of the following minis:
Charr Shaman, Irukandji x2, Desert Griffin, Jungle Troll, Fungal Wallow, Fire Imp, Necrid Horseman, Abomination and Juggernaut.
20 Mar 2011 at 14:38 - 5
Listing updated.
Sorry bykjt I swapped the Nian in-game. Waterbender899 I'll pm you.
22 Mar 2011 at 03:33 - 7
I will do
your Burning Titian for my Heket Warrior
your Roaring Ether for my Abyssal
In addition I'm interested in your Juggernaut, will any of these do?
Siege Turtle
Jungle Troll
Cloudtouched Simian
IGN: Myth Blood
22 Mar 2011 at 03:46 - 8
i have a raptor for your irukandji
ign: neith bow mistress
22 Mar 2011 at 04:03 - 9
I have a Wind Rider, which I'd love to exchange for the Juggernaut. Last pet I'd really like to bother getting, really.
IGN: Viewtiful Vargs
22 Mar 2011 at 06:11 - 10
I will give Candysmith Marley for Varesh Ossa
IGN: Heal Me Already
23 Mar 2011 at 00:56 - 11
Listing updated, thanks for looking
23 Mar 2011 at 12:20 - 12
If you still need the heket warrior I'm willing to trade it for the titan
IGN: Magic Ling
26 Mar 2011 at 17:39 - 13
Sorry Ling, had a trade pending for the Titan.
Thanks for all the succesful swaps folks, the listing has now been updated
29 Mar 2011 at 20:52 - 14
Listing updated, only need 2 more to fill my HoM
31 Mar 2011 at 01:38 - 15
Listing updated, only need 1 more to fill my HoM
02 Apr 2011 at 08:41 - 16
Listing updated, thanks for looking