Condition based 7 hero General PvE team build



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2010

Czech Republic

The Dragonfly Effect [Phi]


I've been trying many team build and strategies, but the last one seems to be very good. I'd like to someone else try it and post his opinion as well as some advice to improve it.
I use classic SoS build with this team.

Kahmu - OgGjkyqDLPO3BczVcjdH3c7rCA
Master of Whispers - OABDUshnSxMKg8MIC2BfCHVVBA
Livia - OAhiYwh8YtzYTOpZzW4NOvYA
Vekk - OgBCoMzDdbs20AGFRiByAXA
Tahlkora - OwUTMwmC5xjsRuIdxpfPIDwQAA

I used to ST prot hero, but I've used ER prot ele since added MM skills to Master of Whispers.
Are there any better ways of protection runable by hero and good for this team? Should I add a proper MM, barrage ranger or something else? Is Gwen's build fine?

Thank you for your advice



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2006


The Legion of the Blue Blade


You don't need 3 healers - Drop Livia for a Mesmer with Fevered Dreams - thats the real condition spreader. Then you can drop your first necro and put Enfeebling/Weaken Armour of the mesmer.

You could replace the nec with a Paragon with "They're On Fire", Barbed Spear, Vicious Attack, soldier's fury and fall back.

Also, your Dervish would probably be better off using Avatar of Grenth to spread disease.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2010

Italy, Turin



^Agree. Also, 1 discord is quite pointless(max 100ish single target dmg, yay!). 1 Searing flames ele alone is good just to spread burning(also, are you REALLY sure about use metero shower on a hero?). And what's your bar?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2008


Ministry of Fate [MoF]


I would drop Livia for Fevered Dreams mesmer as distilledwill recommended and also Zhed for the Paragon.

I would also drop discord and use an minion bomber with Jagged bones and put some prot skills there, too.

Also, you may consider changing fragility on Gwen's bar for Westrel's Demise or Worry, also I would use Cry of Frustration instead of Power spike.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2010

Czech Republic

The Dragonfly Effect [Phi]


Thank you,
I'm gonna try, but I need a little help with the para. I didn't find any build on PvXwiki, so I'd use this:
"Go for the Eyes!"
Blazing Finale
"They're on Fire!"
"Stand Your Ground!"
"Fall Back!"

But I don't know what next, could I ask for some help again pls?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2009

The Underworld


fragility + fevered dreams and
they're on fire + anthem of flame
best way to use conditions. cuz burning expires and reapplies so fast it gets the maximum out of frag



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011



Would nice to see some armor boosts, if by chance your ele is drained perhaps from chant removal or any other counters, the monk wont handle the speed and wipe.
On my casters I tend to hybrid /P and take "Stand your Ground!". That way you hardley need a para unless you wanted a physical, the only other reason I'd take a para is for constant IMS.

SoS Rit Sup OAmjIukqpOXTMm3kZCAqx7YAAA
Dom Mes OQlkAgC6AaqDAQDwBaC14dsoTAA
Illusion Mes OQlkAgB6Aaq0LwKACIAQN2OmojAA

You get the idea ^^



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2009



I dont agree with the meteor shower on the ele. and i also believe that tge discord hero is useless. I woud get meteor over MS. and over the discord hero i would get a N/Me vilurence fragility and with that you can easly change gwens build.

Kaida the Heartless

Kaida the Heartless

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006


It seems to me you are missing Blind, Daze, and Deep Wound... arguably, the three most important conditions...

Kaida the Heartless

Kaida the Heartless

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006


Bars are a bit easier to... understand, if you would.

Sabres Phoenix

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2011

Reign Of Judgement


On the Para bar you still have Anthem of isn't really needed with the SF ele there. Try running weariness / disruption or envy instead, that way the spirits can get buffed a little to help more.
Istill prefer AoTL over Jagged for the mm but to each his own. enjoy your gaming

Kaida the Heartless

Kaida the Heartless

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006


Aye, thanks for the bars. It helps us alot.

Alrighty, let's see...

First off, I think you need to abuse the FEnch's in the Earth Prayers line on the Dervish. You can apply Blind (Dust Cloak), Cracked Armor (Staggering Force), Bleeding (Aura of Thorns), and Cripple (Aura of Thorns) through non-elites. They also have a semi-short duration, allowing you to constantly apply Daze through Fevered Dreams. You also gain an Elite slot.

MM is fine.

You can drop Ghostmirror Light on the N/Rt. I would use Protective was Kaoli instead. Also, I would drop Weapon of Warding for Signet of Lost Souls. If a fight drags out due to the condition nature of your party, you're going to want to make sure your healer stays topped off. Weapon of Warding is also redundant with Aegis and is really only decent on Rits due to the extended duration.

Drop Mark of Rodgort, Meteor, and Glyph of Lesser Energy from the Ele. Make it /Rt, and bring Splinter Weapon, Ancestor's Rage, and Spirit Siphon. As long as you move your Spirits around, he'll never run out of energy and be able to support your party. You won't lose DPS through the dropped Ele skills because he's going to be spamming SF.

The Mesmer get's a little tricky, as they are currently massively opinion based on what the best skills are. I'll give you what I think will work here:
Panic, Mistrust, Cry of Frustration, Unnatural Signet, Shatter Hex, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Leech Signet, Ether Signet.
The first four skills are base. I added Shatter Hex (to keep your removal and) for massive AoE. Glyph of Lesser Energy will always return 15 Energy every 30 seconds, since Leech Signet and Ether Signet are not spells. Ether Signet works here because you won't be able to rely on interrupts to gain energy, due to the unpredictable nature of daze and minions. Some may suggest Waste Not Want Not instead of Glyph. It's your call. Chaos Storm damage, IMO, is mediocre given the long duration of the spell, so I dropped it. Wastrel's Worry is good damage, but very heavy on energy, even though it does have a good chance of working with Daze. Complicate is redundant with Daze.

This Paragon is a nice change. Drop Anthem of Flame (redundant) in favor of Fall Back or Vicious Attack/Chest Thumper (I think that's the name of the skill). I would also drop Never Surrender in favor of one of the previously mentioned Deep Wound attacks.

This monk is nasty. UA is best used with Party Heals, since you suffer a -1 EPip. You need to be efficient. I suggest:
UA, Divine Healing, Heaven's Delight, Deny Hexes, Gift of Health, Shield of Absorption, Power Drain, Ether Signet (<-- Big fan of this skill, put EManagement here if you're not).
Yea, the attributes are split 4 ways, but Healing, Prot, and Inspiration don't require many points to be effective. I also run dual Major runes, so I have a lot of points to spare. This character will take care of Party Heals primarily, and Prots and Spike heals secondary.

On your bar, swap Shadowsong for Anguish. With the above changes, Shadowsong is redundant with Dust Cloak. Anguish will give a ton more damage with Painful Bond.

Good luck!