Hey all,
Just came back to gw after a break, and am wondering which profession would be 'best' for farming up the required items for the gifts.
I currently have a monk,ele,and ranger, of which only the monk has access to all areas and i usually end up taking a couple spirit spamming heroes to help me kill the mobs
Would rit be the best for ability to solo most of the mobs or is it the warrior or even something else
Gift of Traveler - which profession?
Celestial Prayers
Ritualist spirit spammer is best, but generally, any proffesion with rit secondary for SoS.... been using my Rit for collecting stuff for years and never run into one I couldnt do!
Obviously best to solo it as you get more drops..
Obviously best to solo it as you get more drops..
I am using dual accounts with a Communing Rit and a Channeling Rit to farm for the Traveler (and farm UW for ectos) - no heroes required. Works like a charm!
Bright Star Shine
I just buy em, gg.. It's actually more profitable, cause you can use the time you lost farming, making better money.
Black Metal
protip: save all the collectibles worth 30g+, eventually they'll be a nick trade-in
For po folk who can't buy the collectables, Any/rit SoS spirit farm works nicely. I'm pretty new to the whole farming thing and this (OQgjAqhoITXT+glTfTQTbiVTAAA) has done the job well enough, although I'm still tweaking it to be more warrior friendly.
Originally Posted by Black Metal
protip: save all the collectibles worth 30g+, eventually they'll be a nick trade-in
amazing to have a bunch of inventory slots worth 1k that will one day be worth tons? nothanks lol.. Inventory slots can be used better then that, for anything from runes to weapons to inscriptions to crafting mats you will be seeing occasional wtb's for