PC on q9 BDS
anyone knw a price on a q9 BDS it was earth sold it thanks for all that info a e l
Gabriel of Ravn
edit in your original post what attribute then you can get a real pc
Q9 Soul Reap - 70e~
Q9 Fast Casting - 50e~
Q9 Inspiration - 50e~
Q9 Illusion - 50-60e~
Q9 Domination - 100e~
Q9 Death - 50-60e~
Q9 Blood - 50-60e~
Q9 Curses - 80e-90e~
Q9 Protection - 220e-250e~
Q9 Smite - 50e~
Q9 Divine Favor - 60e~
Q9 Heal - 120e~
Q9 Earth - 80-100e~
Q9 Fire - 110e~
Q9 Water - 50e~
Q9 Air - 40e~
Q9 Energy Storage - 50e~
bah tired ...to write the rest..
Q9 Fast Casting - 50e~
Q9 Inspiration - 50e~
Q9 Illusion - 50-60e~
Q9 Domination - 100e~
Q9 Death - 50-60e~
Q9 Blood - 50-60e~
Q9 Curses - 80e-90e~
Q9 Protection - 220e-250e~
Q9 Smite - 50e~
Q9 Divine Favor - 60e~
Q9 Heal - 120e~
Q9 Earth - 80-100e~
Q9 Fire - 110e~
Q9 Water - 50e~
Q9 Air - 40e~
Q9 Energy Storage - 50e~
bah tired ...to write the rest..