7 hero team build



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2008



Just a team build I put together for general PvE. I don't have the opportunity to test it right now so I'm wondering what people's opinions are. I'm kind of wanting an E/N Orders in there so I'm thinking maybe take out the SoGM rit. I'm also wondering if there is enough survivability. Between SY, an N/Rt healer, prots from MM, and resto support from Panic hero I'm thinking it should be enough in most cases.

Opinions and/or help?

Also, I used rapid fire for my ranger because I was looking for an IAS and given that I didn't have a prep in there and I'm not using ED as the elite I figured it was the best choice besides cons. If I used cons I would maybe use Expert Focus for the extra e-management.

its bad to sin

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2009

probably behind you

Mercenaries Of Grenth [MoG]


i was going to run somthing very similar on my paragon running imba build and ill be working on GWAMM on him so i can let you know how it works



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2006


The Legion of the Blue Blade


Looks fairly standard, 3 phys, 2 rit, 2 necros and a mesmer.

Communing Rit
You're right about benefitting from an orders necro and your Communing Rit is probably where I would put it, use Cultist's Fervor to fuel orders and other high cost skills (I'd put curses on him - enfeebling blood is too good to miss out on in HM. And then Mark of Pain). So, something like:

Cultist's Fervor
Order of Pain
Dark Fury
Enfeebling Blood
Mark of Pain
[Enchantment Removal - Jaundiced Gaze, Rip Enchantment or Strip Enchantment)
Foul Feast
[Res - Res Signet, Death Pact Signet]

Your Paragon
Seeing as you're able to slip foul feast onto that necro bar I think it would be a good idea to swap out your Song of Purification paragon with a more offensively based Soldier's Fury one. This would let you put "Fall Back" on his bar and speed up your runs considerably. While your at it, you could probably also change the first paragon to this build aswell - dual fall back is awesome and you don't need stunning strike as you should be killing them before you get much out of the daze (Unless that's cruel spear, in that case it can be easily replaced by Vicious Attack).

Your Ritualist
You also don't need Warmongers Weapon on your rit, you should really want splinter being thrown around more. I'd swap it out for Bloodsong.

You probably don't need Armor of Unfeeling as 1) its a communing skill and so you have to spend some points on it and 2) your spirits will usually be near the back of your team and probably won't get targetted all that often, even if they do go down it isn't too much of an issue. Swap Armor of Unfeeling for Renewing Surge for more energy or something else.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2008



i would recommend you to use Incendiary Arrow + Ignite Arrows + Triple/Dual Shots + SY! on your ranger



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011



Looks good, but the mes is gona lose alot of max energy and waste its time healing rather that doing damage for 2 resto skills and and poor insp magic.

I'd let the Sos go half resto and be better at it and have the mes go half curses or channeling.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2008


[NBK] Natural Born Killaz


awesome set up.. sure better than what I had.. lol... I just completed Glint's Challenge with it. The only differences is Im not a ranger. so i went with my own build for me. And instead of Air Magic.. I put up a Water ele for cold damage..

I breezed through it in NM and didnt have one death.. not me, nor my heroes. thanks for that.

Oh.. and i threw Hex Eater Vortex on Gwen for a bit more protection.

*Correction: Hex Eater Signet



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2008



Revised build. The reason why I didn't use barrage for my ranger was because almost every ranger uses it and I just feel like it loses most of its effectiveness when the mobs aren't bunched up, plus a single target damage build can dish out more damage to one specific target such as healers or eles to eliminate them quickly.

Kaida the Heartless

Kaida the Heartless

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006


You should try Zojun's Shot and Point Blank Shot instead of the penetrating attacks. Don't remember the math but I believe they come out ahead.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2008



I actually did consider Point Blank Shot and Zojun's Shot because they do more damage and cost less energy, but I was a little worried about whether or not I could keep myself and my heroes in EBSoH with the decreased range. I'll have to test it out though to find out how it will work.

Tested it and it works fine despite the decreased range. Targets are usually close enough so that I don't have to move out of EBSoH.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2008

Demons in the [Mist]


Used a similar build to vanquish poisoned outcrops just now, I used the same ranger build as posted but replaced savage shot with "for great justice"

Heros were:
Hayda general command build, forgot to put in fall back but will definitely fit it in next time
livia minion bomber
olias resto with xinrae's weapon
razah as sos, no resto on his bar
gwen with panic/domination bar
norgu with inepititude/illusion bar
vekk running e/mo ether renewal prot

No wipes, easily able to take on bosses and very large groups, only hero that ever died was vekk from getting spiked right after infusing.