Hey this is my first time using these forums so hopefully I don't mess up.
Furious Plagueborn Maul of Shelter
r8 hammer mastery
damage 14% while health above 50%
double adrenaline gain 9%
armor +7 vs phys damage
Sundering Celestial longbow
r11 marksmen
damage 20% while health below 50%
armor penetration 20% 19% chance
Gothic Sword of Ogre Slaying
r11 swords
damage 15% while in a stance
damage 20% against ogres
again hopefully I posted all the needed info and if there is something I should do to either increase value or say salvage a part before merching please tell me lol just started to get into guild wars
PC on 3 weapons
Plagueborn Maul - 80k~
Rest merch
Rest merch
Tender Care
agreed on merch...maul i think can reach 100k