Help me improve my 7-heroes team build



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006


Ice Slayer Clan [ISC]


Hi everybody, here's the build I have been playing since the recent update:

Now that I've completed Nightfall and have MoW and Razah on my side, I'm planning to replace the monks with them.
MoW should be a straight N/Rt SoLS Healer with SS and MoP with Razah as Communing/Resto hero.

Can you help find a good healing balance for the group?
Razah's build is the one causing most doubts, what do you think about putting a Panic or PI mesmer instead of him?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2008

Ign: Miniature Julia

Teh Academy[PhD]


Martyr is an weak elite, id find something else for it.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006


Ice Slayer Clan [ISC]


Originally Posted by kajusbonus View Post
Martyr is an weak elite, id find something else for it. I have lot of variants for it, depending on areas.

Cors Seel

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2009




Where is Anthem of Fury? And a copy of "Go for the Eyes" wouldn't be bad as well.

You don't need 2 dedicated healers, not even in HM. My 7H Setup has no dedicated healer.

Give the SoS a resto split (spirit ligh, pwk) and kick the communing rituals. If u want communing rituals take a SogM or ST rit. Heroes don't know how to use Painful bond which will often result in a netto loss of 15e.

I would replace martyr with Cultist's Fervor so ur hero can spamm skills like a mad guy. Blood bond is a nice skill as well with those paras and minions in ur team setup.

I would replace one monk with an offensive SogM rit. Give ur paras some chants like anthem of weariness, anthem of envy. These chants effects spirits as well which makes them a very good choice.

I would replace ur other Monk by a support char with a resto split.
I guess this would fit in nicely: Soul reaping 8+1, Curses 10+1+1, Resto 12
Pain of Disenchantment or SS / Mark of Pain / Shadow of Fear / Spirit Light / Mend Body and Soul / Life / Protective was Kaolai / Flesh of my Flesh

I left out enfeebling bood because anthem of weariness + 3 paras +10 spirits should spread weakness nicely.

ToXic WarHead

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011

My backline
Hybrid-Ritu: OwUAQeRNgbE3NAATf9AZA
Prot: OwUAMjRBydteAACI9gMA

All three have 7/8 skills. The last skill depends on where i go to.
The ritu should get a weapon (ie. wow, splinter)
The empty-prot skill could be spirit bond, reversal of fortune, shielding hands or whatever u like.
For the healer Orison of Healing or one more anti-hex/anti-condition.

I like it and never had problems while vanquising or something. Not testet in DoA, UW, FoW. Hope it helps.

best regards!

€: sry, i dont know if its possible to post builds here with skill-icons and stuff. so i only posted the skill-templates.
GftE is on main char and don't think Anthem of Fury can give that much to this build, since paras with aggressive refrain and Mark of Fury gain adrenaline quickly. Adrenaline is never a problem.

Quote: You don't need 2 dedicated healers, not even in HM. My 7H Setup has no dedicated healer.
Give the SoS a resto split (spirit ligh, pwk) and kick the communing rituals. If u want communing rituals take a SogM or ST rit. Heroes don't know how to use Painful bond which will often result in a netto loss of 15e. like I said I want to replace with MoW and Razah. Working on splitting channeling and communing on the two Rt running them both half resto. Do you think all resto bars should run Life or 1 is enough?

Quote: I would replace martyr with Cultist's Fervor so ur hero can spamm skills like a mad guy. Blood bond is a nice skill as well with those paras and minions in ur team setup. order's elite is very dependent from area. Martyr is only one of the options. Just wanted to run an "alternative" skill.

I would replace one monk with an offensive SogM rit. Give ur paras some chants like anthem of weariness, anthem of envy. These chants effects spirits as well which makes them a very good choice. communing bar is the hardest to me, I'll post it later. Planning to find some room for Anthem of weariness, Anthem of Envy or Anthem of Disruption.

I would replace ur other Monk by a support char with a resto split.
I guess this would fit in nicely: Soul reaping 8+1, Curses 10+1+1, Resto 12
Pain of Disenchantment or SS / Mark of Pain / Shadow of Fear / Spirit Light / Mend Body and Soul / Life / Protective was Kaolai / Flesh of my Flesh Agree with you.

Cors Seel

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2009




Originally Posted by Tirzan View Post
GftE is on main char and don't think Anthem of Fury can give that much to this build, since paras with aggressive refrain and Mark of Fury gain adrenaline quickly. Adrenaline is never a problem.

like I said I want to replace with MoW and Razah. Working on splitting channeling and communing on the two Rt running them both half resto. Do you think all resto bars should run Life or 1 is enough? Well i don't think there is anything like "too much adrenaline" so Anthem of Fury is nice to have. But i have to agree it's not necessary.

If you give the SoS a resto split and u have an other support healer (for example the n/rt bar i posted) with pwk you shouldn't need a resto split on your communing rit since SY is up almost all the time.

Before the 7hero update there was just 1 copy of pwk in every hero team build(Discord had 2). Nowadays there are people shouting for 3 copies of pwk. It may be usefull for some hard areas but 2 copies of pwk is all you need in vanquishes and HM missions.

You only should have 1 "Life" in ur team build. U can only have 1 copy of each spirit at the time so it's useless to run 2. Life lasts for 20 seconds and it's recharge is 20 seconds as well.
@ 12 Resto 10 copies of life heal all party members for 120 health every 20 seconds(the 120 health gain is spread over these 20 seconds though since life triggers when another hero casts a new life.).
@ 12 Resto 1 copy of life also heals all party members for 120 health every 20 seconds.
So there is no reason to run multiple copies.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006


Ice Slayer Clan [ISC]


here's the modded build:


Cors Seel

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2009




Overheal? Normally SY should be up all the time so 3 copies of PwK AND SL AND Mb&S are a bit too much...

About Barbs: Because it is a 2s casting time skill it will probably end on your enemy when it is < 25% health. Or he needs to cancel Barbs because his target is dead.. Barbs is only usefull against bosses and some though healers.
And generally i don't think 2s casting time skills are good on a healer.

Maybe a bit too defensive, but build looks quite good

Kaida the Heartless

Kaida the Heartless

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006


Needs Weaken Armor and maybe Enfeebling Blood depending on preference (I know you have the shout but eh, I personally don't like it). Drop Mend Ailment for Shield of Absorption. Fall Back would probably help somewhere, since you really don't have anything maintaining your AR out of combat other than Anthems you need to stop to cast.

You have 3x Mend Body and Soul, Empathetic Removal, Mend Ailment (which should be gone for SoA), and Song of Purification; I hope you are fighting a LOT of Mandragor. Consider fitting more Hex removal in there somewhere.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2008

Oregon, USA



seems like a lot of condition removal with MBaS and all the spirits, you probably won't need to worry about conditions, in hex heavy areas, hexbreaker aria and empathetic removal might not keep up with the important ones, but i don't see a good stop to fit more in. needs shield of absorption as stated above, a copy of shielding hands would be good too.

you have a lot of healing but little prots. why not drop resto for prot on the bomber? something like prot spirit, SoA, shielding hands.