6 Hero build help, Prophecies challange, experience it the "right" way!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011

[email protected]

*EDIT 1* I can't edit the title, but I know this isn't like playing the game when it came out, because I did play the game then Heroes are cheating yes, but they are there to make up for the none present playerbase that was hanging around all over Tyria when the came was new, AI players instead of pick up groups, simple as that.

The restriction on skills and professions is simply to not use or see something from a different campaign before you're actually there. I taught about making the heroes only use skills that they would have unlocked for where they where in the story, like on big party questing together, but that just felt as to much of a hassel It's a simplification for the fun of it, not a serious attempt to be super nostalgic and hardcore, so could I please get some help with the actual question at hand? Good builds with only skills and professions available in GWP?

I do really appreciate all the interest, but I do understand the difference of my restrictions, and the "original" experience, and just need to get pointed in the right direction.

Big thanks to all! *END EDIT 1*


I really need some help, men and a friend is playing trough GW in the waiting of GW2. Mostly we are here for the story and the laughs.

Also, we want to experience it as much as possible like playing trough the game when it was new, and it's here where this post comes in.

I'm trying to figure out a 6-hero build that achives the following:Only uses professions from Prophecies (including core) Only uses skills from Prophecies Maximise damage for the two players (we like to see big numbers)
  • Keeps us alive! Let's us beat the hole campaign, "save and reliably" more then "as fast possible"
    And I'm totally stuck! I tried to start of with two monk bars with good synergy and couldn't even to that. The only Prophecies skills restriction is fun, but hard I don't really have enough knowledge I feel to make this work, but still would like to go trough with this project.

    Also, as the key word here is "fun" I want to give us both fun roles in the party, I'm a ranger and like blowing shit up, or act as support/interrupt. She is a elementist and more or less just want to see as big and as many numbers as possible.

    The plan is to get run to Lion's Arch ASAP after pre-sering, and travel to the Great Temple of Baltazhar and get some mercenary heroes to work trough the rest of the campaign with.

    I know a post is supposed to have a build of it's own for a starter point for the discussion, but I'm really just stuk.

    *EDIT 2*
    I know this is a bad build, I'm just showing of why I need som help

    *END EDIT 2*
  • kewlsnake

    Ascalonian Squire

    Join Date: Jul 2010


    When you say that you only want to use skills from Prophecies are you also including the core skills that are available in every campaign?


    Academy Page

    Join Date: Apr 2006

    A Fate Worse Then Death


    *giggle* I am sorry. The right way is to go in, grab some henchies, and pray Alesia does not decide to mass suicide your whole party.
    Heroes did not exist when the game was first released, so no heroes if you want to get the full experience.
    As for skills, you could use a toon from another camp if you would like, but presear is what gives profs its feel. Would also have the added benefit of not having to worry over which skills to bring as you learn them as you go.
    And good luck to you Sir/Mam!



    Furnace Stoker

    Join Date: Sep 2006

    There are a lot of ideas for core skills only henchmen in this thread here:


    8 heroes with nothing but core skills is still vastly OP in NF, so I'm sure that Prophecies with skills from that chapter as well shouldnt be too difficult.

    An E Surge mesmer is a must have for AoE damage. Hundred Blades + Barrage are also good to have. The only tricky part is making decent elly bars, though I still managed with two Elemental Attunement ellys.

    Since your a ranger, you could go barrage + conjure, and the elly could maybe run an elemental attunement nuker.



    Grotto Attendant

    Join Date: May 2005

    in the midline


    Playing with Prophecies only skills and no heroes, is STILL going to be imba. Back in the day when prophecies was new, skills you unlocked in PVP don't get unlocked for PvE til you hit ember light camp (the last outpost).

    You also don't need attribute refunds, you can swap attributes in town whenever.

    My advice: avoid being all nostalgic and wasting your time, unless you're playing in Presearing and never leaving that place.

    Your best options are a
    N/Mo minionmaster with Aegis and protective spirit,
    Me/ dom or illusion mesmer,
    Mo/ Word of Healing monk hybrid with aegis + Shield of absorption or shielding hands + aegis,
    R/ Barrage ranger
    N/ curses with barbs, weaken armor to maximize ranger damage
    E/Mo Ether renewal bar
    7&8= player bars

    assuming no noncore profession skills ... melee hero AI is crap so at best you can pack an earthshaker or Warrior's endurance warrior


    Academy Page

    Join Date: Nov 2010

    You want to get the full PROPHECIES experience, yet you're using HEROES?


    Ascalonian Squire

    Join Date: Dec 2009

    Satu Mare, Romania



    OP: If you want the full PROPHECIES experience make a char and do the story line. Buying skills and earning skills as you advance. Using heroes and also, using normal and elite tomes it is cheating

    Pugs Not Drugs

    Pugs Not Drugs

    Krytan Explorer

    Join Date: Jun 2009

    basically what everyone else has said. in order to have the full propheices experience you should:

    a. use henchies and not heroes (and in fact, even then, henchies have been buffed since the olden days of prophecies)

    b. not use tomes or buy unlocked skills. instead rely on quests or skills obtained from trainers.

    however, to answer your question i wouldnt rely on rangers or eles to get big damage. probably (especially in propheices) warriors and necros are your best bet damagewise. rangers have pretty bad skills and barrage sucks without splinter weapon, and eles have no good elites in prophecies save maybe elemental attunement. you could run that if you wanted. warriors and necros, however, have many awesome prophecies elite skills including earth shaker, warriors endurance, hundred blades, cleave, aura of the lich, spiteful spirit, etc.


    Ascalonian Squire

    Join Date: Jul 2010


    At first sight I would add a ER prot hero.
    This would synergise well with an UA healer for moderate single target/party healing.

    Since death nova and animate bone minions are core skills you could also have a minion bomber.

    I guess if you want an ele you can go for something with Lightning Surge as elite or drop the elite all together and go for fire aoe damage. I would probably do something similar with the player ele bar.

    You have quite a lot of options when adding a mesmer. Panic pretty much insures you never get hit.

    For the last hero slot you could add a ranger that synergises with you as the ranger, barrage as an elite comes to mind. You can also add a warrior so that you have all the different professions in your party.

    EDIT: spiteful spirit for a second necro is also pretty awesome, consider dropping a ranger/ele for another necro.


    Ascalonian Squire

    Join Date: Mar 2011

    [email protected]

    Whooo, slow down everyone! Hehe, thanks for all the attention! I do understand that Heroes and "original experience" don't add up. But remember, this is for fun. I just need good build with does restrictions. And Heroes are there to make up the fact that not many are running PUGs in Tyria right now, and so that we can play on our own terms.

    I did play GW when it came out, I do remember not being able to respec at whim, and I have henched/PUGd maybe a third of the game before I couldn't borrow my friends computer no more AND I have yelled at Alesia!

    This is really for my friends benefit, I want her to be dragged into GW, have a good time, and follow me to the dark site of GW2! So I want to give her the opportunity to blow shit up while others take care of the ground work, and to not skip ahead so to speak, but to play trough the campaigns seeing the story, professions and skills unfold as meant.

    On the skill part, I actually thought about building bars just around the skills unlocked at a certain time in the story, like one big group questing together, but that would just take to much time on me I think. That will be true for me and my friend, unlocking skills as we go, but the Heroes can have their skillbar set, like we got power buy by friendly players that already finished the campaign :P

    I also made this edit in the first post:
    *EDIT* I can't edit the title, but I know this isn't like playing the game when it came out, because I did play the game then Heroes are cheating yes, but they are there to make up for the none present playerbase that was hanging around all over Tyria when the came was new, AI players instead of pick up groups, simple as that.

    The restriction on skills and professions is simply to not use or see something from a different campaign before you're actually there. I taught about making the heroes only use skills that they would have unlocked for where they where in the story, like on big party questing together, but that just felt as to much of a hassel It's a simplification for the fun of it, not a serious attempt to be super nostalgic and hardcore, so could I please get some help with the actual question at hand? Good builds with only skills and professions available in GWP?

    I do really appreciate all the interest, but I do understand the difference of my restrictions, and the "original" experience, and just need to get pointed in the right direction.

    Big thanks to all! *END EDIT*



    Frost Gate Guardian

    Join Date: Feb 2011


    IGN> Answer Is No


    and there I thought experienceing a prophecies challenge was using hero builds mimicking builds from the old mercs ("charge!" and grenth's balance ftw...) without any fancy equipement and without flagging...
    I am disapointed son...


    Lion's Arch Merchant

    Join Date: Jul 2006

    Played Prophecies almost exactly when it was released. Beat Prophecies with my Necro with just henchmen and did every single quest. Easily the hardest/time consuming things I have done in any of the games and wouldn't do it again.

    If you want the true experience do it that way and you will appreciate what the game is like now. This was even before Thunderhead Keep was toned down so it will be hard to get the full effect without the Monk strike and all the moaning about how hard the mission was and all the other issues.


    Ascalonian Squire

    Join Date: Mar 2011

    [email protected]

    I know this build is incredibly bad! But this is what I got so far:

    As you can see I really need some help here



    Tea Powered

    Join Date: May 2008



    Restore Life is better than Resurrect.

    Replace the Sword warriors with Rangers. Remove Conjure Flame from your bar.

    For your Nec, keep Order of Pain and Mark of Pain. Give him Enfeebling Blood. Unfortunately Cultist's Fervor is Factions, so you might want to consider Order of the Vampire over Order of Pain. Avoid any more 10 energy or higher skills on him - you don't get SoLS.

    The breakpoints for Aegis are 9 prot (9 seconds) and 12 prot (10 seconds). Spec him down to 8 and give him a minor prot rune. Then raise Healing Prayers.

    There is never a good reason to take Orison of Healing. Replace it with anything. Currently you lack hex and condition removal - spot removals are still decent in Prophecies.

    The Water Ele is largely a waste. Consider Minions if you have a spare Nec (can give him prot or more Curses stuff - a second copy of Mark of Pain isn't wasteful), Bone Minions with Death Nova are a solid choice and you get AotL at the end of Proph.

    I say replace the Fire Ele. Mesmers are strong, but lacking some of the really nice toys they get in later campaigns. Panic is still available and they still have Energy Surge. Cry of Frustration is good and some of the Inspiration stuff is good for energy management. After that you're squeezing hard for useful things - Chaos Storm is serviceable and Shatter Hex might be useful.

    If you do choose to keep the Fire Ele, lose Phoenix, Mark of Rodgort and I would say Firestorm too. Replace Meteor Shower with Meteor. If you gave him something like Healing Breeze you could possibly cut back on the UA hero (if its replacement had some support healing itself).


    Ascalonian Squire

    Join Date: Mar 2011

    [email protected]

    Originally Posted by Xenomortis View Post
    Restore Life is better than Resurrect.

    Replace the Sword warriors with Rangers. Remove Conjure Flame from your bar.

    For your Nec, keep Order of Pain and Mark of Pain. Give him Enfeebling Blood. Unfortunately Cultist's Fervor is Factions, so you might want to consider Order of the Vampire over Order of Pain. Avoid any more 10 energy or higher skills on him - you don't get SoLS.

    The breakpoints for Aegis are 9 prot (9 seconds) and 12 prot (10 seconds). Spec him down to 8 and give him a minor prot rune. Then raise Healing Prayers.

    There is never a good reason to take Orison of Healing. Replace it with anything. Currently you lack hex and condition removal - spot removals are still decent in Prophecies.

    The Water Ele is largely a waste. Consider Minions if you have a spare Nec (can give him prot or more Curses stuff - a second copy of Mark of Pain isn't wasteful), Bone Minions with Death Nova are a solid choice and you get AotL at the end of Proph.

    I say replace the Fire Ele. Mesmers are strong, but lacking some of the really nice toys they get in later campaigns. Panic is still available and they still have Energy Surge. Cry of Frustration is good and some of the Inspiration stuff is good for energy management. After that you're squeezing hard for useful things - Chaos Storm is serviceable and Shatter Hex might be useful.

    If you do choose to keep the Fire Ele, lose Phoenix, Mark of Rodgort and I would say Firestorm too. Replace Meteor Shower with Meteor. If you gave him something like Healing Breeze you could possibly cut back on the UA hero (if its replacement had some support healing itself). Thank you thank you thank you!

    The top two bars are the players.

    Good advice al in all, the Fire Ele stays, that is the bar I'm guessing my freind would like to run, she just likes makin stuff go noom(!) and laugh like amad person over vent

    For her and my own "big numbers benefit" Weakend armor is there to, same with the order, It is silly I know, but I want to see big numbers fly over the screen. I usaaly play support, but this time around when replaying the campain, even if it's not optimal I want to be part of bringing stuff down.

    Don't I need some frontliners? To flag to take aggro? That's the reason I want with dual war instead of rangers, and why no conjure on my bar?

    I tought about enfeebeling, but was scared ot to much self sacrifice. That also made me slot FoC and UF do make up for it, but it will be ok to slot in more sac skills?

    I had a hard time finding good hex/con removal skills, but will medn and remove hex be enugh?

    The water Ele is there for snares, but how is scatering in NM these days? Did they revert to the old enemy AI with the introduction of HM? What should I field instead? I see the point of a MM, but would liek to avoid them for personel reasons (played one myself), but a MM would solve the problem of frontline instead of the warriors.... So what else could I field? A mesmer? That would be nice as I would have one of each proffesion...

    I just tried to fill the bar with ranged AoE that can be spamed as much as possible. Why no Mark? Dosn't that burning ad up, espacially with a conjure barrage?

    Thanks again!!!



    Tea Powered

    Join Date: May 2008



    The fire ele will get big numbers until she gets to the Ring of Fire or perhaps even the Southern Shiverpeaks. Of course in HM she won't be getting big numbers very often anywhere.

    If you have prot, you don't need to worry about having a frontline to hold aggro. The AI is pretty bad at handling melee roles so you'll get more mileage out of rangers. If you do insist on melee, Warrior's Endurance is a proph elite that can fuel energy based bars the AI might handle better.

    I say no Conjure on your bar because it's mutually exclusive with Orders. Order of the Vampire (and Order of Pain and also Mark of Pain) require you to be dealing physical damage whilst Conjure Flame requires you to be dealing fire damage with attacks (i.e. you need a Fiery bowstring). Taking OotV allows you to use the far superior Vampiric Bowstring or even Zealous Bowstring and still obtain a damage boost. You will also trigger Mark of Pain on your attacks.

    Take a Mesmer in the final slot.

    When I said "Don't take Orison of Healing", I didn't expect to see it replaced by a 10 energy heal. Dwayna's Kiss under UA is a strong enough heal and you have another two single target heals on the other monk. Just slot in more cleaning in that bar.


    Ascalonian Squire

    Join Date: Mar 2011

    [email protected]

    Thanks again Xenimorits!

    I'll play around some more later tonight, but now I need to go

    I see my faults, and easaliy miss stuf flike that with conjure/order/mark. Thanks.

    I'm wondering about really going ful lout with the one of each core proffesion, and make a E/M ER Proter? Whould that still work well with the UA Monk?

    Aha, that's right, a lot Eles don't do well there.. Didn't remeber, what can they do when we get so far that is awesome!

    Thanks for healping a GW third time newb all over again.


    Ascalonian Squire

    Join Date: Mar 2011

    [email protected]

    Well... itäs still "bad" right?