7 Heroes



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011

Lisbon, Portugal

Shinigami Demons [kami]


Hi, I am a PvP player but I go on PvE to Vanquish since I want 50/50 rewards, but to be honest I am sick of Discordway and Sabway.
So I've made my own build with some ideas from PvX ofc, I am posting my team build here and I wait for reviews and/or some ideas to improve my build.

Thank you!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2009

Satu Mare, Romania



You will need a lot of corpses to fuel those 4 Auras of the Lich. Deathly Swarm is not that good in HM because it is cold dmg. Same thing for: Fetid Ground.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2006

TBH if you're sick of sabway or discordway, try coming up with something thats either way better without using PvX, or that doesnt have a single necro hero.

You will never have enough corpses to feed 4 AoTLs, its a pure waste of 4 skill bars.

You are also a mesmer primary, you dont need to run /Rt SoS when mesmer skills are the most powerful in PVE. Changing your bar to ineptitude, and the necros to spiritway rits would be a lot better.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2007

Trinity of the Ascended [ToA]


PvE Lichspike?

You have more than enough support/healing via the Ele, Resto Rit, and Me/Rt Panicker. The other 4 builds should be focused on utility and damage. I'd keep one Necro and trash the rest. And in HM, Death Nova is the best skill on an MM's bar.

That leaves 3 spots open, and you ought to have left 2 Necros, 1 Rit, 2 Eles, 1 Mesmer and all of your physical heroes. Spec them out for damage and let me know what you come up with .



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2006




Stop making team builds which you yourself cannot prove how well they will work. Since the hero update, a lot of people have been falling for this. Without proof, I just close such threads. Post an area where your builds will work/fail, and we can then improve its usuabiliy for areas where it fails.