Has Arenanet changed their business model?


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2008



Originally Posted by gremlin View Post
Yes with the merc add on a solo player can custom design a party that cannot be done without that add on.
...but which will very unlikely be more effective in actual practice than those without Mercenary Heroes doing the same party using Secondary Professions rather than Primaries in the case of team builds using multiples of a Profession where enough of the Primary doesn't exist in the standard Heroes. (the exception might be Mesmers because of Fast Casting's recharge bonus to Mesmer Spells - but that will only slow them down slightly, at least if you don't have 40/40 sets on them, rather than break the team)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


Anet used to make campaigns and put an effort into this game, but then they realized something: They don't need to spend all this time and effort into making wonderful new campaigns and content, when they can just churn out mspaint constumes, name changes, mercenary heroes, etc that return 5x the profit.

Honestly, why spend months developing a new campaign, when you can just charge for features already in the game (name change/appearance change), create some simple costumes, and spend a little bit of time creating X/X heroes that copy your skin?

For years they haven't done anything substantial in relation to guild wars. They make loads more from these micro-transactions than they would ever have made from a new campaign. Thus, they just keep adding in these new things to the NCstore, and justify it with minimal updates and some rinky dinky new quests.

And since tons people buy these things and so adamantly defend anet, thats all they need to do. Some simple profession update every few months, and a new 'pack' of simple quests once in a while.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2010

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Originally Posted by novawhiz View Post
They make loads more from these micro-transactions than they would ever have made from a new campaign. Thus, they just keep adding in these new things to the NCstore, and justify it with minimal updates and some rinky dinky new quests.
Please do provide statistical information regarding profits made by ANet/NCSoft to back this up. I absolutely can't wait to see this!


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2007


Originally Posted by novawhiz View Post
Anet used to make campaigns and put an effort into this game, but then they realized something: They don't need to spend all this time and effort into making wonderful new campaigns and content, when they can just churn out mspaint constumes, name changes, mercenary heroes, etc that return 5x the profit.

Honestly, why spend months developing a new campaign, when you can just charge for features already in the game (name change/appearance change), create some simple costumes, and spend a little bit of time creating X/X heroes that copy your skin?

For years they haven't done anything substantial in relation to guild wars. They make loads more from these micro-transactions than they would ever have made from a new campaign. Thus, they just keep adding in these new things to the NCstore, and justify it with minimal updates and some rinky dinky new quests.

And since tons people buy these things and so adamantly defend anet, thats all they need to do. Some simple profession update every few months, and a new 'pack' of simple quests once in a while.
This isn't WoW, GW doesn't have the user base to make $2 million in a couple of hours by selling a mount...

You don't like what they're selling, guess what, don't buy it. They're working on a whole new game and the Live Team is like 3 people, ffs.



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


I would have to say yes.
Afterall it has been 6+ years since their original model---and if you dont change with the times you get left behind. They made the first significant change when they decided to stop making new chapters.....after that their original model was gone---so the point is moot.
Yes it changed. Look back to 2005 do you still have the EXACT same goals today as you did then????? probably not, why would you push this onto a company as well? Changing your business model only make sense especially in the market that anet is in. (whether I agree with the way they did it etc, is another can--50gal drum--of worms altogether).


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2006



Originally Posted by novawhiz View Post
Anet used to make campaigns and put an effort into this game, but then they realized something: They don't need to spend all this time and effort into making wonderful new campaigns and content, when they can just churn out mspaint constumes, name changes, mercenary heroes, etc that return 5x the profit.

Honestly, why spend months developing a new campaign, when you can just charge for features already in the game (name change/appearance change), create some simple costumes, and spend a little bit of time creating X/X heroes that copy your skin?

For years they haven't done anything substantial in relation to guild wars. They make loads more from these micro-transactions than they would ever have made from a new campaign. Thus, they just keep adding in these new things to the NCstore, and justify it with minimal updates and some rinky dinky new quests.

And since tons people buy these things and so adamantly defend anet, thats all they need to do. Some simple profession update every few months, and a new 'pack' of simple quests once in a while.

I believe the reason they gave up on the idea of adding new chapters was the creation of 2 new classes and skills combined with additional skills for the existing classes was just impossible keep up.

There have always been paid enhancements to this game and one of the most sought after is purely cosmetic.
If you bought the collectors edition of prophesies you got the glowing hands or whatever its called.
Each collectors edition after that added something special dance emotes.
If you didn't buy it didn't get it.

I really feel that we the players created all the other add ons cosmetic or otherwise.
Players keep asking for more storage so they thought ok lets see if we can make some cash, they did so more features were added for cash.
If we didn't buy them they wouldn't keep writing them.
So I agree with you there.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jan 2009



Originally Posted by Saint Scarlet View Post
@ Verene - I was asking for your viewpoint, not for you to have a go at people for the way they interpret words/terms/statements
Well, when it comes down to it, how people are 'interpreting' things is relevant here. You cannot say "well my opinion is this" and expect to be right and for people to care when your opinion completely contradicts actual facts. EOTN is not a campaign and is an expansion. GW2 is not a campaign and is a brand new game entirely (seriously, what? Why am I even having to say that?). Content refers to playable content, not "everything added ever". Opinions can be wrong, believe it or not, especially when your opinion is about the definitions of things that we already know for a fact what they are.

There has only been one piece of content released outside of a campaign that had to be paid extra for, which was the BMP. Which originally was a freebie to say thanks to those who had bought things during a certain time period. And was later released for everyone to purchase - after the campaigns were done, after EOTN was released, even. So since the original statement was, at it's core, "We won't charge for any content released between campaigns", they still stayed with that with the BMP, and still stay with it now. Even if they've realized that their business model isn't one that's feasible, they didn't break their original statement. At this point in time, it isn't possible for them to do so, as the period of time in which they could have is over with.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2010

A giant mitten



Just sort of an interesting side-note to this discussion...

There's a gent I've worked with over the years who is also a start-up contractor like me. The best way I've heard his job described (though the person was joking) was as a "Company Commitment Continuity Compliance Collator." LOL

He does basically one thing: ensures that absolutist statements (aka commitments) by developers and publishers are tracked within the development/publishing company itself.

So this is a guy who, if working for ANet/NCSoft, would have made note of the commitment made (as presented in the original post) and made sure the company was a) aware that they were making such a commitment, b) that it was actually the commitment they intended to make, and c) for the duration of his contract, inform them if something they were proposing would violate such a commitment. Any official verbiage is passed through his department... website language, packaging, press releases, etc.

Most of the companies I've worked for eventually turn that role over to one of their own people, generally in conjunction with other duties. But this thread illustrates why it is so important to ensure such commitments are tracked and honored... players never forget stuff like that. *chuckling*

It's definitely NOT a job I'd ever want... one miss of a nuance can cost a company millions. My brain just doesn't work that well. LOL



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by Saint Scarlet View Post
When you view it as a list like that it does show that for free we have received probably treble, that which has been in the shop. Value for money is down to ones personal opinion on the matter. And yes i've had value for money over the years, i'm just concerned about the increase in buyable to free ratio(not to mention the increase in cost of said content).
Fair enough to be concerned, but just trying to look at it as a ratio is too much of an over-simplification. For example take Hearts of the North and the Wedding Costumes: If you just look at that as a ratio, then it was 1:1 new free content to new paid content added at the same time. But that's really an apples-to-oranges comparison because the experience one gets from the added quests/storyline is a completely different type than the experience of having that costume.

And it's also worth noting that the majority of the recently added pay-for items are those various kinds of costumes. Sure if you count each costume set as an individual piece of added content then it inflates the ratio of paid to free. But each costume is a very trivial thing for them to add at this point. After the initial development work was done for the first costume set, every one thereafter is just additional artwork. So it's no surprise that they would offer numerous kinds over time - if for no other reason then because it's very cheap and easy for them to do so.

I would even argue that Mercenary Heroes likely took a relatively small amount of design/development/testing because it reused a lot of existing aspects of the game. This would be in comparison to all the design/development/testing required for things like War in Kryta, Hearts of the North, or even the Embark Beach. (Of course, none of us have enough information to accurately make such a comparison, so disregard this point if you want.)

And we have to look at this in the context of the life-time of the game as a whole. It's almost 6 years old. The sequel is being developed. We know that the many of their resources are no longer dedicated to GW1 but instead to the sequel.

In that context, it's hardly surprising that over time we would see fewer and fewer updates that add any real substance to the game - they simply don't have the resources set aside to do more.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006



Originally Posted by Black Metal View Post
In an ideal scenario, they'll return to their original business model, with a new GW2 campaign every 6 months, with a truly minimal amount of microtransactions if any at all.
Yes because it is far preferable to have a $60 campaign slapped out every six months, rather than regular mini-releases for free and paid for by people who like vanity items.

Back on Planet Reality, I much prefer the microtransaction model. I've bought character slots, the BMP (edit: actually, I didn't buy the BMP, I got it free with three character slots) and the campaigns through the web store, and I fully support those who choose to spend their money on costumes and such and thereby pay the salaries of the people who make the content that I play and who keep the game in running order.

It's a great deal. Those who play casually (like me) free ride off of those who play enough that vanity gear seems like good value for the money! Hurray!

Is there more paywalled content than previously? Probably! Do I care? Not in the least! After all, if something interesting enough comes out that I want to buy it, I'll buy it. And if something is all Horse Armor, then no one will buy it or the price will drop -- either way, if there's no requirement to buy it to keep playing the game, it won't affect you in the least.

So stop whining about a business model that is effective, generates salaries, and costs you zippo if you don't want it.

Saint Scarlet

Saint Scarlet

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Originally Posted by Verene View Post
Well, when it comes down to it, how people are 'interpreting' things is relevant here. You cannot say "well my opinion is this" and expect to be right and for people to care when your opinion completely contradicts actual facts.
Opinions are not right or wrong, or contradict facts or falsehoods. They are as defined here:
a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
the formal expression of a professional judgment: to ask for a second Medical opinion.
Law . the formal statement by a judge or court of the reasoning and the principles of law used in reaching a decision of a case.
a judgment or estimate of a person or thing with respect to character, merit, etc.: to forfeit someone's good opinion.
a favorable estimate; esteem: I haven't much of an opinion of him
1. persuasion, notion, idea, impression. Opinion, sentiment, view are terms for one's conclusion about something. An opinion is a belief or judgment that falls short of absolute conviction, certainty, or positive knowledge; it is a conclusion that certain facts, ideas, etc., are probably true or likely to prove so: political opinions; an opinion about art; In my opinion this is true. Sentiment (usually pl. ) refers to a rather fixed conviction, usually based on feeling or emotion rather than reasoning: These are my sentiments. View is an estimate of something, an intellectual judgment, a critical survey based on a mental examination, particularly of a public matter: views on governmental planning.
So my opinion is as valid as your own, as is everyones. Unless you wish to be a dictator then only your opinion is correct/fact.

Originally Posted by Verene
Content refers to playable content, not "everything added ever". Opinions can be wrong, believe it or not, especially when your opinion is about the definitions of things that we already know for a fact what they are.
Content is anything that is added to the game, i would give you a definition of content but it is very long and does not entirely convey what we take to mean content in games. It is not just the playable aspect, it is all facets of stuff that is added.
The problem is that there is always multiple ways to say exactly the same thing. Those words that are used have multiple definitions to them, some depending on context and others not. The context of the whole statement is also in question depending on the way in which someone views it.
Nothing when written is exact and specific, only in Maths is that possible which is why it's called the pure language.

Saint Scarlet

Saint Scarlet

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2010


Rise of Corruption[RoC]


@ TheGizzy - I have worked in politics before, and am very aware of the way in which things that can be said might alter peoples perception of things. A small slip of the tongue can cost someone their career, or in business cost a company millions. It was a job that is very difficult to do as there are always words you cannot say due to their absolute definitions, but on the other side there are words that have several meanings both good and bad(which we were encouraged to use as it always leaves that little get out clause if things go wrong).
Peoples memory of bad things generally outweighs their memory of good things, so people are more likely to forget something that was mostly positive and remember the fact it didn't live up to it's full gain.

@ Verene - If you want to be technically accurate about it we are still between campaigns as the promised fourth campaign was cancelled and they said they were going to work on GW2. I do not remember them actually saying there will never be another campaign for GW ever again. So to be pedantic everything we paid for is against their statement(unless such a statement was said by Anet about them never releasing a new campaign for GW, then i am wrong, but to my recollection they haven't)



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


Originally Posted by lemming View Post
This thread feels familiar.
Exactly. All this uproar over Merc heroes shows to me that Anet has indeed steered in a different direction policy wise.


Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2010

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The competitive advantage it gives you is so minimal that I don't have an issue with it. Now if all of the sudden people start coming out with heroway builds that require you to have an extra profession from the merc. heroes then i foresee Anet making a change to how they work. Until then get over it don't buy them if you don't like/want them Have some faith in Anet's ability to recognize imbalances in the game, and adjusting appropriately... eventually.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Amazon Basin [AB]


Originally Posted by Dzjudz View Post
Exactly. All this uproar over Merc heroes shows to me that Anet has indeed steered in a different direction policy wise.
Technically it just demonstrates the widespread perception of policy change.

I don't know that it really went against any explicit Anet policy, but there is a stronger case how this micotransaction just feels on a different order than any before it, whether that be by sheer accident or not.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2006

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Anet has changed its business model a loooong time ago, when they discovered the campaign system led to balance issues. It was back then that they decided they'd go for a new game instead, and they explained it too - that's why the GW2 announcement was made so long ago.

That meant the abandonment of the old business model, and Anet searched around for a bit and eventually settled on a primary purchase + cash shop / DLC model for GW1 and GW2.

Given the temptation that a cash shop is, Anet have so far kept themselves quite well under control, resisting the temptation of making power advantage an element of the offers.

The advantages offered by the purchaseable content have been practically negligent compared to that of the previous campaigns. In the end, Anet are trying to find stuff people want and not trying to make stuff that people would NEED.

I'm not quite happy with the fact that there are advantages, minor as they might be, and that what I'd really like hasn't been offered (I'd prefer DLC dungeons and storyline elements, myself), but it generally fully lets me keep faith in Anet - with the temptation, they have kept themselves well under control. I'd expect them to be much more inclined to selling the +25% damage to humans swords, PvP useable...

Did you know that in Global agenda, the dev team sells "boosters that are litterally Double XP and double the loot and earnings? Now that's being a little #$"(/&...



Lion's Arch Merchant

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Originally Posted by Saint Scarlet View Post
Please don't get me wrong, i love GW, and yes they have released a ton of playable content free(as they said they would). I just feel they have strayed a bit from their original path.
There isn't a business in this world that does not stray from its original path. If you don't evolve, or adjust to your market, your competition, and what you need to do to keep your business in competition, you collapse. I would rather have them stray, just a bit, to stay afloat, instead of being stubborn and falling through the industry cracks.

Six years later, we're still not paying a monthly fee. That was a bold thing to do 6 years ago when, unless you were a poorly designed F2P grind fest, the market dictated you had to charge a subscription.

Straying from a business model you initiated at the beginning isn't always a bad thing. Has Anet strayed? Yes, but not much, and certainly hasn't strayed from its core model. No subscription, no hidden costs.

And I'll end on this personal thought. I've been a part of this game for almost 5 years now. And aside from a few prolonged breaks of a month, or a bit more, I've entered GW at least once a month for 5 years. If we had a Subscription, based on the standard market price, plus the initial purchase costs, I'd be pushing close to $1,100.00 dollars invested into Guild Wars.

$1,100.00 Vs. a personal choice to buy a costume for $9.99....over a 5 year span.

To me, that's a bit of perspective. Therefore I can hardly find reason to be angry, or disappointed, at purely cosmetic items in a store, that doesn't change what the core business model has been and continues to be for Guild Wars.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2009


Originally Posted by -Sonata- View Post
There isn't a business in this world that does not stray from its original path. If you don't evolve, or adjust to your market, your competition, and what you need to do to keep your business in competition, you collapse. I would rather have them stray, just a bit, to stay afloat, instead of being stubborn and falling through the industry cracks.

Six years later, we're still not paying a monthly fee. That was a bold thing to do 6 years ago when, unless you were a poorly designed F2P grind fest, the market dictated you had to charge a subscription.

Straying from a business model you initiated at the beginning isn't always a bad thing. Has Anet strayed? Yes, but not much, and certainly hasn't strayed from its core model. No subscription, no hidden costs.

And I'll end on this personal thought. I've been a part of this game for almost 5 years now. And aside from a few prolonged breaks of a month, or a bit more, I've entered GW at least once a month for 5 years. If we had a Subscription, based on the standard market price, plus the initial purchase costs, I'd be pushing close to $1,100.00 dollars invested into Guild Wars.

$1,100.00 Vs. a personal choice to buy a costume for $9.99....over a 5 year span.

To me, that's a bit of perspective. Therefore I can hardly find reason to be angry, or disappointed, at purely cosmetic items in a store, that doesn't change what the core business model has been and continues to be for Guild Wars.
180 dollars a year for me to just log in to EQ2, above and beyond the cost of the game and expansions. No extras.. just the ability to play the game. Minor aside.. the few extra store items I purchased there were by character, not account. Using that.. a single costume on all of my characters would have been nearly 150 dollars. GW remains incredible bang for the buck.

Edit.. to be fair, if players have not experienced the cost associated just to play traditional subscription based MMO's there will not be that perspective.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jan 2009



Originally Posted by Saint Scarlet View Post
Opinions are not right or wrong, or contradict facts or falsehoods. They are as defined here:

So my opinion is as valid as your own, as is everyones. Unless you wish to be a dictator then only your opinion is correct/fact.
Um...yes. Opinions can very well be wrong. If you say "It's my opinion that the sky is really orange during the day", then you're contradicting known fact and your opinion is wrong. Racist, homophobic, sexist, etc. opinions are wrong. If you say "I believe EOTN is really a campaign despite the fact that Anet, the ones that made it, say that it's an expansion", your opinion is wrong.

"It's just my opinion" is not an excuse to ignore actual facts.

Originally Posted by Saint Scarlet View Post
@ Verene - If you want to be technically accurate about it we are still between campaigns as the promised fourth campaign was cancelled and they said they were going to work on GW2. I do not remember them actually saying there will never be another campaign for GW ever again. So to be pedantic everything we paid for is against their statement(unless such a statement was said by Anet about them never releasing a new campaign for GW, then i am wrong, but to my recollection they haven't)
...no. If you want to be technically accurate, we are not between campaigns. The fourth was canceled, they moved on to GW2, and they have never said that they may possibly make a new one in the future. Only if they actually said "We are making a new campaign for GW1", or maybe "We may make another campaign for GW1" could you make that claim.

And if they were going to make another campaign, they wouldn't 1) have pulled everyone to GW2 with the exception of the 7 member Live Team, and 2) wouldn't be doing GW: Beyond, because it could be taken care of in a new campaign.

And no, only one thing that was released could be against their statement, which was the BMP. Costumes and name changes and etc. are not game content.



Never Too Old

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I do not feel that ArenaNet has changed their philosophy, although they have had to evolve their business stance. They may have had to stop the "new campaign every six months" due to finding the balancing impossible, but they have stuck to not giving any player an advantage over any other player.

I, personally, have purchased character slots, storage panes, and costumes. I have no interest in name changes, makeovers or mercenary heroes. I am very pleased that my purchases have helped fund the new game content and provided a funding source to keep the servers active.

Keep in mind that without some income, the servers might have been shut down by now, as new box purchases cannot be providing sufficient income to the company.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

A Fate Worse Then Death


Answer: Nope

Reason - Ive played this game for almost 6 years. In all that time I have never paid for skill balances, AI tweaks, New items (fireworks, chocolate bunnies, Grog, red rock candies, exct), new quests...the list goes on and on.

I purchase the items from the cash shop because I likes em. It also gives me the chance to support a game, that with any other business model, would have already folded the servers.
So get over your butthurt that my heroes are prettier than yours *grin* and go play.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by siadina View Post
In all that time I have never paid for skill balances, AI tweaks, New items ,
did you steal Guild Wars? cause most people payed 30-40$ per campaign for those things.

Originally Posted by siadina View Post

So get over your butthurt that my heroes are prettier than yours *grin* and go play.
Its not that they are prettier, its that you can run whatever team setups you want with MH while the rest are limited with just heroes.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005


ANet has not changed their policy until you are required to pay money to play the game (outside of the basic campaigns).

This isn't purely limited to monthly fees. This includes money for required power levels, higher tier gear than what you can earn for free, or just general benefits which make it hard to enjoy the game without paying for it.

I can understand the uproar about Mercenaries. However, the issue isn't about "imbalance", it's about wanting something but not getting it, to be blunt. Mercenaries aren't some massively overpowering advantage that you must pay for. They are purely cosmetic. There are builds you want to run, and you require mercenaries to run them. That's not a required payment, that's purely optional. No different than "I want one character of each class" and "I want to keep all these items, but don't have the storage space".

Originally Posted by novawhiz
Its not that they are prettier, its that you can run whatever team setups you want with MH while the rest are limited with just heroes.
And I have a character of each class, while you are limited to just 8 classes.

Of course, character slots are the only thing that I've purchased, outside of the 4 campaigns, because I haven't needed anything else.

So really, it comes down to you wanting to run specific team setups, not you needing or requiring them for anything.

Essence Snow

Essence Snow

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Originally Posted by Dusk_ View Post
ANet has not changed their policy until you are required to pay money to play the game (outside of the basic campaigns).

This isn't purely limited to monthly fees. This includes money for required power levels, higher tier gear than what you can earn for free, or just general benefits which make it hard to enjoy the game without paying for it.

I can understand the uproar about Mercenaries. However, the issue isn't about "imbalance", it's about wanting something but not getting it, to be blunt. Mercenaries aren't some massively overpowering advantage that you must pay for. They are purely cosmetic. There are builds you want to run, and you require mercenaries to run them. That's not a required payment, that's purely optional. No different than "I want one character of each class" and "I want to keep all these items, but don't have the storage space".

And I have a character of each class, while you are limited to just 8 classes.

Of course, character slots are the only thing that I've purchased, outside of the 4 campaigns, because I haven't needed anything else.

So really, it comes down to you wanting to run specific team setups, not you needing or requiring them for anything.
Then there is the whole question about "What is core to a game?" What should we expect to come with the campaigns? There is a pretty large thread over on GW2 that debates it, so I won't go into it much.

To me the MH offer the same type of playabilty that skill balances do but to a much larger degree. You know the period of time after a skill balance where you mess with all the skills and test them and work out your team set-ups. I can't remeber exactly the number but I think the options go from 800k to 1000k or something......It's actually quite a large amount amount of "content" if you will.

For some of us it's not really about advantages, money, vanity...etc...It's more about the principle of it.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2007


Originally Posted by Essence Snow View Post
Then there is the whole question about "What is core to a game?" What should we expect to come with the campaigns? There is a pretty large thread over on GW2 that debates it, so I won't go into it much.

To me the MH offer the same type of playabilty that skill balances do but to a much larger degree. You know the period of time after a skill balance where you mess with all the skills and test them and work out your team set-ups. I can't remeber exactly the number but I think the options go from 800k to 1000k or something......It's actually quite a large amount amount of "content" if you will.

For some of us it's not really about advantages, money, vanity...etc...It's more about the principle of it.
Well, that explains the price point then..., but seriously, it's optional "content" which isn't required to succeed at the game, in either NM or HM, isn't needed to get GWAMM or anything required for 50/50 when it comes to the HOM, and is in no way mandatory, and the benefit it affords is more perceived than actual since 999.9k of those additional available builds will suck donkeyballs.

So really, the principle of the thing can go screw itself because it's really just a reason for the QQing bitches to QQ... yet again. But then again, welcome to the GW community, the only online gaming community where you're actually better off taking NPC's rather than people because most of the people couldn't wipe their arses without assistance... and playing with them will make you want to kill yourself.



Academy Page

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Florida, USA


Originally Posted by enter_the_zone View Post
I agree with that totally, the complainers need a reality check. I say that as someone who has bought all the costumes, but probably won't be buying the MH. Why? Because the tiny benefit of MH doesn't appeal to me, I'd rather have another costume and pay for something that I actually like wearing on my character.
I, on the other hand, have no interest in the costumes, but I did buy the Mercenary Heroes. What ANet is giving us is a lot of different choices, which is a GOOD THING. People with different needs, interests, and free cash can enhance their game however they want.

Adding 7-hero parties did more to make the game easier than did MHs.

As for the BMP, I got it for free by doing whatever it was that ANet asked us to do at the time. Then they were NICE ENOUGH to make it available for nominal cost to anyone who came along later.

ANet is doing a fine job, I appreciate their work.

Saint Scarlet

Saint Scarlet

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Originally Posted by Verene View Post
Um...yes. Opinions can very well be wrong. If you say "It's my opinion that the sky is really orange during the day", then you're contradicting known fact and your opinion is wrong. Racist, homophobic, sexist, etc. opinions are wrong. If you say "I believe EOTN is really a campaign despite the fact that Anet, the ones that made it, say that it's an expansion", your opinion is wrong.
"It's just my opinion" is not an excuse to ignore actual facts.
If someone were to say specifically that "the sky was orange during the day" then i would agree with you, it is wrong. Whereas if they express their opinion about it, they are not saying for fact they are saying in their mind it is and usually follow up with the reason for their opinion. Just because you believe that truths and opinions are the same does not make it so. Everyone is entitled to their opinion no matter how absurd it is(or even derogatory), if you wish to live in a world where opinion is dictated then i feel sorry for you. I live in a country of free will where i am allowed to think what i please and say that(to a certain extent), so please do not try to tell me my opinion is wrong. But by all means prove any of my statements(not opinions) false if you wish.

[I]...no. If you want to be technically accurate, we are not between campaigns. The fourth was canceled, they moved on to GW2, and they have never said that they may possibly make a new one in the future. Only if they actually said "We are making a new campaign for GW1", or maybe "We may make another campaign for GW1" could you make that claim.

And if they were going to make another campaign, they wouldn't 1) have pulled everyone to GW2 with the exception of the 7 member Live Team, and 2) wouldn't be doing GW: Beyond, because it could be taken care of in a new campaign
I never realised you worked for Arenanet and know their entire future plans for GW. Just because they have not said either way does not make your opinion of no information more valid than my own. It is entirely possible that after GW2 comes out they make a new campaign for GW, unlikely but still possible. Until the day they state for FACT that this will not happen who are we to know. We can only guess (therefore have an opinion about something).

Once again i asked for opinions on my opening question, not for you to decide only you are correct and everyone that has an opinion that differs from your own is wrong. Please either learn that we are all different and can think differently or at least not post your opinion as fact and everyone else that thinks differently is wrong.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2007


Originally Posted by Sytherek View Post
I, on the other hand, have no interest in the costumes, but I did buy the Mercenary Heroes. What ANet is giving us is a lot of different choices, which is a GOOD THING. People with different needs, interests, and free cash can enhance their game however they want.

Adding 7-hero parties did more to make the game easier than did MHs.

As for the BMP, I got it for free by doing whatever it was that ANet asked us to do at the time. Then they were NICE ENOUGH to make it available for nominal cost to anyone who came along later.

ANet is doing a fine job, I appreciate their work.
Yep, I agree totally.

Like I've said before, I get why people are worried about being able to buy an advantage in the store, and I get that Anet has taken a tiny step down that road and it does worry me.... but there really isn't much else to say until they go a step further.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006

I honestly don't get how there seems to be so much of an uproar on this topic. I'm reminded of Beverly Hills Cop II "Cuff me? There are people out there with chainsaws, you're cuffing me!".

I mean, have these people even looked at other F2P(or dare I mention the subscription based with cash shops <_< >_>) MMOs to see what they are doing? Sure sure, a greater evil doesn't justify a lesser evil blah blah blah but that's not the case here.

Everything GW1 has done so far has been pretty wonderful and amazing in comparison to the typical greed and money grabbing of both the gaming industry in general and the MMO genre in specific.

I hate sounding like a fanboy but that's just how I see it. Imagine if Anet was the absolute worst 'nickle and dime'r out there right... man our beloved gaming would be in such great shape!

Let the good guys get some much needed(and appropriately used) money so long as they stay good.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

On Earth


So I've read the entire thread up to this point. Pretty much everything has been covered and the general consensus is that this debate is one sided and over. Making something out of nothing. Good game.



The Hotshot

Join Date: May 2006


International District [id???]

You read what you want to read, I suppose.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

On Earth


Originally Posted by lemming View Post
You read what you want to read, I suppose.
You're pretty clever. You figured that out on your own. Now to add to your comment. I did read what I wanted to read and I wanted to read the whole thread. So you get a cookie for being observant.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Amazon Basin [AB]


Originally Posted by byteme! View Post
I did read what I wanted to read and I wanted to read the whole thread.
I guess that's no guarantee you comprehended or remembered it in its entirety.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

On Earth


Originally Posted by FoxBat View Post
I guess that's no guarantee you comprehended or remembered it in its entirety.
Oh, so suddenly it's now an attack on my ability to read and comprehend the english language simply because I was able to post a reply to conclude what the majority are saying within the past 4 pages?? GTFO. Do you want me to put it all in writing and to quote every post that's relative to the majority and post their names along side their post to prove my point? Seriously people. Talk about making something out of nothing. (as I previously stated in reference to the topic at hand) I applaud your attempts to discredit me though.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2007


Originally Posted by FoxBat View Post
I guess that's no guarantee you comprehended or remembered it in its entirety.
Well, I can sum it up in less than 20 words :

User1 : QQ perceived advantage, QQ RTM

User2 : yeah that would be kinda shit, but it really hasn't happened yet.

And just rinse and repeat. This is a "discussion" that's going nowhere because, ultimately, we all agree buying advantage for money is bad, and none of us want ANet to go that route, we just disagree whether MH really provides any actual advantage.

Then there is all the, frankly, wrong-headed bullshit, about whether Anet is breaking some implied promise they made in a press release or something. Amazing, six years has gone past and Anet (allegedly) broke 1 promise.... how many has Blizzard or any other frakking game company you care to name broken in the same period? In case you were wondering, the answer is a shitload more...


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Amazon Basin [AB]


Originally Posted by enter_the_zone View Post
And just rinse and repeat. This is a "discussion" that's going nowhere because, ultimately, we all agree buying advantage for money is bad, and none of us want ANet to go that route, we just disagree whether MH really provides any actual advantage.
That's more what I would call a summary, yes.



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2008

South East



until there is a 7 hero team build that you can only run if you have 1 or more merc heros then there is 0 advantage other than cosmetic.

and when i say 7 hero team build i mean one thats superior to all other 7h team builds out there.

so far, 2 rits, 3 necros, 2 mesmers etc seems to be the right ammount.
You need to pay for a great thing. Support the team you like(A net)


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2008



Originally Posted by (Datura) View Post
until there is a 7 hero team build that you can only run if you have 1 or more merc heros then there is 0 advantage other than cosmetic.

and when i say 7 hero team build i mean one thats superior to all other 7h team builds out there.
Nah. Doesn't have to be superior - just up there in the top tier with Spirit-, Discord- and (though maybe it no longer should be considered among the best Hero team builds anymore?), Sabway. And only if the team would wipe on whatever content it was meant for if you did the same team using the regular Heroes (by using Secondary Professions to make up for the lake of Primaries)



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ashford Abbey

Hey Mallyx [icU]


Originally Posted by Lasai View Post
I feel that ANET has more than lived up to its original promise. I find it amazing that they maintain and provide update and content of the level they do with no subscription fees and no revenue stream save game purchases and voluntary purchases of optional, unnecessary addons.
My thoughts exactly.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2007


Originally Posted by ogre_jd View Post
Nah. Doesn't have to be superior - just up there in the top tier with Spirit-, Discord- and (though maybe it no longer should be considered among the best Hero team builds anymore?), Sabway. And only if the team would wipe on whatever content it was meant for if you did the same team using the regular Heroes (by using Secondary Professions to make up for the lake of Primaries)
Depends on where you're using them. I find Sabway is more resiliant in a party of 4 build (where you can only have 4, I mean) than discord, especially when I'm dropping spirits. I reckon it's down to the minion army, it's always smaller in discordway, which means sometimes one of the necs dies.