7-Hero Knock Down build.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006

I'm wondering how effective Knockdowns would be if you had your typical Spiritway and Mesway heroes, but instead put

-Earthbind on the Communing ritualist
-Psychic Instability and Signet of Clumsiness on both Mesmers(Symbolic Celerity for the Domination Mesmer)
-Shove Warriors/Hammer Warriors with Earth Shaker
-Smite Monks with Mantra of Inscriptions and Signet of Judgment + Bane Signet
-You Move Like a Dwarf, Brawling Headbutt, and Club of a Thousand Bears on the Player

However, I'm concerned with where your damage might be coming from when all your enemies are flat on their asses.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2010



Bonuses of Knockdowns:
Disabled Enemy - No Spells Cast
No Movement - Stay in AoE
Reduced Prot/Healing required

Cons of Knockdowns:
Little Damage
Knockdowns don't stack - require decent timing
Lacks a lot of damage

Smite Monks - SoJ is a single target KD with aoe dmg

Maybe put knockdown in 2 heroes or 3 but focus on aoe snares / dmg.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Amazon Basin [AB]


Knockdown way should just be 2 copies of psychic instability. Trick is to structure hero bars so they aren't prioritizing other things. I find Me/Rt resto with PI fairly good at this.

For damage you got the wastrel skills + any DoTs since they aren't moving, roj, chaos storm, etc.

An alternative method is to take a bunch of volley heroes and put GDW on them.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006

I'm thinking the Mesmers alone are capabable of keeping most things knocked down.

I could probably dedicate my last three hero slots to just pure damage.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006


If your worried about dmg you could just load up three hammer warriors or three bunny thumpers, and echo Great Dwarf Weapon just for some added fun. Add in a Spirit spammer with earthbind.

Probably not the best build around but would be amusing and worth at least a good laugh.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006

I figure a build that was centered around:

2 Mesmers with Psychic Instability + Signet of Clumsiness
2 Hammer Warriors/Bunny Thumpers with Earth Shaker
1 SoS/Splinter Weapon/Restoration Rit
1 ST/Communing Rit
1 MM/Orders Necromancer
1 Curses/Restoration Necromancer

Would be quite enjoyable, actually


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2010

Has anyone tried two warriors with "None Shall Pass!"? Many foes tend to run around (warriors), and if you have something like chaos storm firestorm(?), that should get casters/rangers/paragons to run about.
Of course having Earthbind helps.

Haven't tried it; so just throwing that out there...



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2008

Canada, eh

The Unsound Souls [Soul]


Unsteady Ground + Churning Earth eles in HM would be beneficial.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2010

I know a guy who on his warrior runs Earth Shaker for an elite with 3 RoJ Smiting heros and other support. The build works well when they clump up enough for earth shaker to be effective.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006

Well for now, I'm just using Mesmers with Psychic Instability and Signet of Clumsiness, as well as Earthbind on my ST ritualist with Shelter/Displacement/Union.

Also I'm just going with Assassin's Promise-> You Move Like a Dwarf -> Ebon Vanguard Asassin spam with Discord. Not very original, but it's good for reliable filler damage + support.

What's great is that everytime I knock someone down with YMLAD, they literally die before they can even get back up again.

beagle warrior

beagle warrior

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2008



i just used this build on a VQ on my war it was really effective. the monks were alot better with arcane echo and arcane mimicry than i was expecting.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2008

Oregon, USA



PI is already a 3-4 second knockdown, making earthbind useless for it. if you're running a couple earthshaker warriors then earthbind would be great. biggest problem will be keeping things clumped.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



Originally Posted by mortenya View Post
PI is already a 3-4 second knockdown, making earthbind useless for it. if you're running a couple earthshaker warriors then earthbind would be great. biggest problem will be keeping things clumped. Earthbind counters stun immunity, enabling you to knock down foes that are normally immune. Earthshaker warriors have access to stonefist insignia for the 3 second knockdown effect, but they will still need to be in range of Earthbind to knock down some foes.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2008

Oregon, USA



the issue with earthbind and PI is that earthbind will eat a lot of damage for no improvement on your KD. that is all i was pointing out.

if earthbind gets you past stun immunity though, then that is a different story.

Squishy ftw

Squishy ftw

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2007

Your backline


'KDway' is what I normally use when I play my rit or monk.

The way I go about it is usually just GDW on myself with normally a Derv and Incendiary hero to put GDW on, with earthbind on an ST/Shelter rit.

It's very effective against stuff like Jotun and Dinos in EOTN, and shiro in GoM. They can't kill you when they're on their arse all the time



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2007

I must be doin something wrong, or Norgu is mildly retarded. I normally run Panic + Ineptitude, but I wanted to try PI in UW since I thought terrorwebs will have a hard time against it.

After few minutes of not seeing any knockdowns I moved Norgu's tab to the center of my screen so I could always see it, and I did half the quests in UW. He didn't use PI even once the entire time. He used leech signet all the time so he knows how to interrupt but he simply refuses to use PI.

I wiped at the ice elemental king whatever was his name, partially cause I made some mistakes but PI could really help there.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2008

Oregon, USA



swap leech signet for power drain?

heroes probably prioritize signets over spells for energy management.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2007

Did you even read my post? sigh....

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

He said Leech Signet was fine and PI was not. Discussing swapping Leech Signet is therefore meaningless.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2008

Oregon, USA



Originally Posted by Marty Silverblade View Post
He said Leech Signet was fine and PI was not. Discussing swapping Leech Signet is therefore meaningless.
the point i was trying to make was to test the build with a different interrupt to see what happens. i read that his mesmer hero was using Leech Signet, which is why i made the suggestion that i did.

Originally Posted by Washi View Post
- Hey, my graphics card doesn't work.
- Yeah, you should buy a new mouse.

Your logic is truly amazing hey bro, i'm sorry i tried to offer advice when you were clearly just here to complain. good luck.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2007

I often use multiple interrupts, like leech signet + power drain, somehow they work fine together. PI does not. I thought maybe someone knows why. I guess my heroes are different...



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2008

Oregon, USA



well, was he constantly using other skills? were all his interrupts on CD constantly? what did the bar look like? was he always low on energy?

my only guess is that he was prioritizing other skills over PI for some reason. that is what i was trying to say earlier, i should have just stated it like that.

what i've been told, and experienced myself, is that if you want heroes to use a skill that has a particular effect, don't give them (many) other skills that also have that effect. if you only have 2 interrupts on the bar, and 1 is on CD, he'll have to use the other, this way you can try and control what skill they are using. when I tried PI i had a base of PI, power drain, WNWN, and that was it for interrupts. i didn't see a ton of knockdowns, but i wasn't in a difficult area either, things were dying fast, it could have been a targeting thing, or mayby my 3 other heroes with interrupts were beating him to the punch. once things get going, i'm not sure how heroes decide who they'll attack/interrupt.

the next time i'm running it, i'll try and lock him on priority targets and see if that helps. like i say, i'm not expert at it, i'm just drawing conclusions from what i've seen with the potato AI that heroes have.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006



what did PI do before the mesmer buff? heros will still use skills as they where back in the day...

Problem i have with hammer is it takes so long to build adrenaline compaired to kill time that im not getting many knockdowns, and thats with fgj, flail and crude swing.

dont forget assassins

tried this on anton with the test dummies
palm strike >trampling ox > impale works ok on the dummies

mine has a pet, so has scavenger strike and comfort animal, shroud of distress, deaths charge and deaths retreat

bestial pounce could be chucked in aswell (knockdown of target is casting a spell)



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2008

Oregon, USA



i'm not sure what PI did pre buff, but i ran Vizunah Square last night with a PI/resto mesmer and only saw PI on CD a few times. it might be that she was busy casting heals or just didn't have the right mobs targeted. on the other hand, everything melted anyways while i was /dancing.

as i say, when i want to use it in more difficult content, i'll lock her target on a caster i want locked down and see if that helps

@pingu try Dark Fury. I found i was getting ES up after 2 or 3 swings depending on how many i hit with crude swing.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006



thats ok with hero's, but in a pug i cant really bring along a orders bot , ive played about with a physway setup with oop, dark fury, mark of fury and fgj, which is pretty good fun
insta recharge sun and moon slash with 100blades? awsome